Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Recusrive call is not supported in "time_to_combustion_value()

InvalidTheory opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I am receiving recusrive error for "time_to_combustion_value()" and "time_to_combustion()

AddFunction time_to_combustion_value


Also running into this issue =(


So it looks like time_to_combustion used to have the definition

talentpoints(firestarter_talent) * TargetTimeToHealthPercent(90) + spellcooldown(combustion) * { 1 - kindling_reduction() * talentpoints(kindling_talent) } * { not { spellcooldown(combustion) <= 0 } * buffexpires(combustion) }

Then an update tried to move that definition to time_to_combustion_value() and change time_to_combustion() to wrap it in a ceiling check, but instead copied the ceiling to both places. So it might work to replace lines 1207-1208 with the previous definition of time_to_combustion() [above].