Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Enhancement Shaman Windfury

Hemario opened this issue ยท 2 comments

  1. windfury totem always shows when "Doom Winds" legendary is equipped
  2. windfury weapon always shows out of combat even if the weapon buff is applied
  3. windfury totem should be moved to shortcd

Quick Fix for 1.

in file Ovale/scripts/ovale_shaman.lua line 2029
if equippedruneforge(doom_winds_runeforge) and buffexpires(doom_winds) and { 600 >= 60 or enemies() > 1 } spell(windfury_totem)
if equippedruneforge(doom_winds_runeforge) and player.debuffexpires(335904) and { 600 >= 60 or enemies() > 1 } spell(windfury_totem)

or remove that line altogether in case you have a WA to track windfury totem


[11:24 PM] Zagstruk - Jan: Sup Hemario,
was using the Edited Doom Wind script for todays Mythic Raid, worked out pretty well, but i figured out 2 things which i would love to suggest.

1.) The First Fae Transfusion when playing Night Fae, works out well on the CD Tab and is displayed correctly (maybe add a glow timer for the Heal? nice to have, but not that important).
After using it, it didnt display again when it came off Cooldown (dunno why, happened all trys)

2.) Not sure if Discussed above, but when there is no Ability to use (it wants you to refresh the timer for WF Totem, can me add something like "if WF Totem time >30sec"?, it can be really annoying to replace a WF totem 3-4 times in less than 15 sec :Ono: