Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority


Monk Touch of Death Definition Incorrect

LunaEclipse73 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


The definition for monks Touch of Death spell is like this in ovale_monk_spells.lua:

Define(touch_of_death 115080)
    SpellInfo(touch_of_death cd=90 chi=3 target_health_pct=10)
    SpellInfo(touch_of_death addcd=120 chi=0 glyph=glyph_of_touch_of_death)
    SpellRequire(touch_of_death refund_chi cost=buff,serenity_buff if_spell=serenity)
    SpellRequire(touch_of_death target_health_pct 100=buff,death_note_buff)
    SpellAddBuff(touch_of_death gale_burst_buff=-1)

This appears to be the old WoD and earlier definition. The spell now has a 2 min cooldown, and no health percentage requirement, there is also no chi cost and of course no glyphs.

It should read something similar to this:

Define(touch_of_death 115080)
    SpellInfo(touch_of_death cd=120)