Ovale Spell Priority

Ovale Spell Priority



Ronfar opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It appear Charges(boulderfist count=0) doesn't seem to know how many charges it really has i was using this line to try test it,
if SpellCharges(boulderfist count=0) < 1 Spell(lightning_bolt) (always shows lightning bolt to cast regardless or 0 1 or 2 charges)
if SpellCharges(boulderfist count=0) >1 Spell(lightning_bolt) (never shows it regardless of charges)

I was curious if it could be to do with the Spell list, but I'm not sure what would need added.

Define(boulderfist 218825)
SpellInfo(boulderfist cd=6 cd_haste=melee maelstrom=-25)
SpellAddBuff(boulderfist boulderfist_buff=1)
Define(boulderfist_buff 218825)

also i noticed flametonguewas missing cd_haste=melee


I just took testing it a bit farther

if BuffRemaining(boulderfist_buff) < GCD() Spell(boulderfist text=0)
if Talent(hailstorm_talent) and BuffRemaining(frostbrand_buff) < GCD() Spell(frostbrand)
if Enemies() >= 3 Spell(crash_lightning)
if Charges(boulderfist count=0) > 1.70 and Maelstrom() <= 130 Spell(boulderfist text=1)
if BuffRemaining(flametongue_buff) < GCD() Spell(flametongue)
if Maelstrom() >= 110 Spell(lava_lash)
if Talent(hailstorm_talent) and BuffRemaining(frostbrand_buff) < 4.5 Spell(frostbrand)
if BuffRemaining(flametongue_buff) < 4.5 Spell(flametongue)
Spell(boulderfist text=2)

my text is always 0 or 2 never did 1 pop up in a 5 min rotation test, i then tried commenting out the Spell(boulderfist text=2) and i would only see text 0, and i would see a cooldown in red text


showing 3 second CD even though i have 2 charges and 10 malstrom


I just figured it out it wants the talent idea in the shaman spell book

Define(boulderfist 201897)
SpellInfo(boulderfist cd=6 cd_haste=melee charges=2 maelstrom=-25)
SpellAddBuff(boulderfist boulderfist_buff=1)
Define(boulderfist_buff 218825)
SpellInfo(boulderfist_buff duration=10)

Working right now with that