


Configurable Addon Settings for GM

Bengejd opened this issue ยท 0 comments


** Problem this solves

Currently, the addon settings cannot be changed to accommodate different DKP modes and configurations. This should be a configurable option list, with the DKP type being the main focal point.

Would require a re-write of a lot of fundamental systems to be "plug and play" ready though.

Things that should be configurable:

  • Boss Kill DKP amount
  • Decay Amount (%)
  • Entry Reasons
  • Item Cost Calculations

DKP Systems:

  • Blind Bid (currently use a version of this).
  • Fixed Price
  • Zero Sum
  • Merit
  • Suicide Kings
  • Spend All
  • One-More
  • Shrouding
  • Loot Council
  • Weighted Rolls
  • Ni Karma