Paste NG

Paste NG


Small typo in one of the new strings

Closed this issue ยท 2 comments



--- /Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns/PasteNG/Modules/Locale/Locale_enUS.lua	2024-09-20 22:12:09.000000000 
+++ /Users/tom/.tmpfs_devices/8E48D1/Tmp-4G/PasteNG/Modules/Locale/Locale_enUS.lua	2024-09-20 22:39:31.000000000 
@@ -37,18 +37,18 @@
 L["Load"] = "Load"
 L["Paste"] = "Paste"
 L["Paste and Close"] = "Paste and Close"
 L["Paste to:"] = "Paste to:"
 L["PasteNG isn't compatible with the Paste addon (including the old PasteNG version). Please uninstall or delete the Paste addon folder."] = "PasteNG isn't compatible with the Paste addon (including the old PasteNG version). Please uninstall or delete the Paste addon folder."
 L["PasteNG Usage:"] = "PasteNG Usage:"
-L["Please enter the of your paste:"] = "Please enter the of your paste:"
+L["Please enter the name of your paste:"] = "Please enter the name of your paste:"
 L["Right Click"] = "Right Click"
 L["Save"] = "Save"
 L["Select paste to delete"] = "Select paste to delete"
 L["Select paste to load"] = "Select paste to load"
 L["Send the paste with Shift-Enter"] = "Send the paste with Shift-Enter"
 L["Shift-Enter to Send"] = "Shift-Enter to Send"
 L["System paste shortcut"] = "your system specific paste shortcut"
 L["to open options"] = "to open options"
 L["to show window"] = "to show window"
 L["Toggle the minimap icon"] = "Toggle the minimap icon"
 L["Use %s to paste the clipboard into this box"] = "Use %s to paste the clipboard into this box"

and there:

--- /Applications/World of Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns/PasteNG/Modules/Dialog/DialogModule.lua	2024-09-20 22:12:09.000000000 
+++ /Users/tom/.tmpfs_devices/8E48D1/Tmp-4G/PasteNG/Modules/Dialog/DialogModule.lua	2024-09-20 22:39:19.000000000 
@@ -582,13 +582,13 @@
     whileDead = true,
     hideOnEscape = true,
     preferredIndex = 3,
 StaticPopupDialogs["PASTENG_SAVE"] = {
-    text = L["Please enter the of your paste:"],
+    text = L["Please enter the name of your paste:"],
     button1 = "Accept",
     button2 = "Cancel",
     hasEditBox = true,
     OnAccept = function(self, data)
         DBModule:SavePaste(self.editBox:GetText(), data)

Thanks, I'll update the translations tomorrow and make a new release ๐Ÿ™‚


I have just pushed 11.0.2-20240921-1 which fixes the problem.
Please test and reopen if the issue is still there.