Pet Battle Scripts

Pet Battle Scripts


Write Script Missing

norm21499 opened this issue · 9 comments


The ability to write scripts is missing when right-clicking on an existing saved team.


I had the same issue, seemed like for some reason, the addon files where missing from my Addons folder. (bug in my addon manager when switching from the old addon to the new one)
Can you confirm the tdBattlrPetScripts folder is in there, with files in it? 🙂


Looks like I do have a tdBattlePetScript folder with files in it. Looks like each subfolder also contains files. Something very specific is probably missing?



Looks correct to me.


hi. I got the same problem. is there a known solution for that? :)


I was able to fix my issue, but it was with trial and error. I disabled all of my addons. I re-enabled only Recount and logged in. Logged out and then re-enabled Pet Battle Scripts. that seemed to fix the issue for me, but I can't be sure if this would work for you as well if you haven't already tried it.


Thanks for that, but it didn't work. I even reinstalled rematch and the script addon. Yet it's not even showing in my Addonslist. I deleted the variables too, it had no effect. I am open for any other ideas xx


@norm21499 In your screenshot it shows Windows Explorer as recognising the file as a .TOC but it also shows the file being named tdBattlePetScript.TOC, as in, the file extension is showing but you don't have file extensions enabled.

Can you rename it to just tdbattlePetScript and see if that fixes anything, if you enable file extensions it might become more obvious what the problem is.


Hi everyone having this issue.

As dumb as it sounds, but this issue is usually one of these:

  • the add-on just isn't installed.
  • the add-on is installed, but is disabled in the interface settings.
  • the old add-on is installed
  • the new add-on is installed, but the installation is broken.

If you're having this issue, I strongly suggest the following steps:

  • go to …wow/Interface/Addons, and delete the folders tdBattlePetScript and tdBattlePetScript_Rematch.
  • restart your add-on management software so it picks up that the add-on was forcibly removed. If it didn't pick that up, remove it again in there.
  • Install the new add-on.
  • You should now have …wow/Interface/Addons/tdBattlePetScript again. It should contain a folder Rematch. If it does not contain the Rematch folder, you installed the wrong add-on.
  • Start the game. On the login screen verify that the add-on shows up in the add-on list and is enabled. Alternatively check that in-game, the menu should be the same.

By verifying the Rematch folder is there, you made sure the right add-on is installed. By checking the list you made sure the add-on is enabled (this is a common issue since users disabled the broken add-on and this add-on tries to impersonate the broken one, thus can be disabled even if freshly installed!).

The button should now be available again. If it isn't, please complain on this ticket again.


The transition period seems to be over. Closing this ticket to clean up