Pet Battle Scripts

Pet Battle Scripts

265k Downloads "Not found command"

VanyaMornie opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Script imported from XuFu - nil issues prior, now reports

"Found error: Invalid Condition: 'self(#2).active' (Not found cmd '')

Screenshot attached



Any news on this? I have similar error


Are you sure you are using "Pet Battle Scripts"? One of my guildies was having this error and he was still using the old "TDBattlePetScripts" and "TDBattlePetScripts Rematch". After disabling them and installing "Pet Battle Scripts" it works fine for him.


I have had this error popping for a while on some use command.
After a while it proved to be related to an extra space separator causing the problem.


Can't reproduce with only the add-on installed. Please reopen issue if the issue persists after making sure only exactly one and the new addon version is installed.