Pet Battle Scripts

Pet Battle Scripts


NOT AN ISSUE - Clarification Request

ZForceSeattle opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Does this program "record" a match so I can save it if something works for me?

When I returned to retail in 2020, I used an addon that would record a step-by-step match for saving; after one update right before Shadowlands, it stopped working and interfered with some of my other addons, and I had to delete it from my addons.

I just have some perfect matches ... remember what to do but since I do so many, not all the time. Then, after one corruption after a patch update (which never fails), I lost my scripts and my teams.

I had previously backed up my WTF regularly, but I had just moved to a new computer and had forgotten to grab those backup files.



It sadly does not, and I'm not aware of any plugin or other addon which does automatically generate scripts. saves the combat log, but in a non-machine readable format.

I wouldn't generally suggest creating scripts this way either way since round-based scripts are somewhat unstable and only work if the enemy pets do the exact same sequence every time.

I usually do fights script-first and suggest doing the same. When coming up with a strategy, I never press the ability buttons but directly write a script, which makes me think about what logical reason there was to use that specific ability. Rather than having round-based conditions, there pretty much always is a better reason, like some buff being active or missing. Instead of

use(claw) [ round = 1 ]
use(flock) [ round = 2 ]
use(big) [ round = 4 ]

which would be what such an addon records is just always better expressed as

use(claw) [ !enemy.aura(claw).exists ]
use(flock) [ !enemy.aura(flock).exists ]

since it properly handles getting stunned, an ability missing, or the enemy surviving the big hit.

It might be a bit more time consuming to write, but it just leads to better scripts.