


[Bug] Pet breed icons not displaying in the Rematch pet journal since version 8.3.1

ghostpets opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Running Software (issues missing this information will be deleted):

  • Addon version: 8.3.5
  • Server patch: [Build]

Have you read the changelog? (please don't waste our time)

Describe the bug
Pet breed icons are not displaying in the Rematch add-on pet journal since the PetTracker 8.3.1 re-write. In addition, the Rematch pet cards are not showing the breed icons and possible breed stats (on mouse-over).

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Ensure the Rematch add-on is installed and loaded.
  2. Disable the "Battle Pet BreedID" add-on if you have it installed, as Rematch will prioritize using its breed text data to override PetTracker's breed icon data, like shown here:
  3. Once in game, open the pet journal.
  4. Ensure the "Rematch" check-box is checked.
  5. Click on a pet to display the pet card.
    Bug: Pet breed icons and possible breeds are not showing in the Rematch pet journal or pet card as seen here:

Expected behaviour

  1. Breed Icons should show in Rematch journal and pet card as seen here:
  2. On mouse-over of the "Possible Breeds" on the pet card, a breed stat table should show as seen here:

See above.

Error Logs

Additional context
The pet breed icons and stats were displaying in Rematch with PetTracker version 8.3.0 and previous versions (assuming the Battle Pet BreedID add-on was not enabled). Since the version 8.3.1 re-write, they have not been displaying. I know very little about LUA programming, but I'm wondering if the Rematch add-on is trying to reference PetTracker function(s) or whatever that have changed or no longer exist since the version 8.3.1 re-write.

As a side note, I wish I had the option to have Rematch use PetTracker's breed icons (which are easier on my eyes than looking at a bunch of B/B S/S H/P H/S letters that the Battle Pet Breed ID add-on provides), while at the same time displaying BPBID's possible breed data stats (where I find the actual level 25 stat numbers more useful than the generalized percentage bonuses that get pulled from PetTracker). Just a personal preference. I realize that this is something that I probably would need to take up with the Rematch developers, but I just thought I would throw it out there.

Edit: Fixed hyperlinks


Why was this marked as invalid?

Perhaps I should have clarified that I was using the most recent version of PetTracker (version 8.3.5) to test this.

Is this something that should be working that my system is screwing up? Or is this an issue that needs to be addressed to the Rematch developers on their end?

All I know is that the pet breed icons were displaying in Rematch before the release of PetTracker version 8.3.1 (and still do if I revert to version 8.3.0 or earlier), and as of PetTracker version 8.3.5, they are still not displaying for me.

EDIT: Nevermind. I didn't realize that this particular issue was already reported, addressed, and closed here: #155. I apologize for the unnecessary duplicate report.