


List of pets under the list of quest is not displayed anymore

Xandoria opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Running Software (issues missing this information will be deleted):

  • Addon version: 9.0.1 dated 16 oct 2020
  • Server patch: 9.0.1 (36272) (serie x64)

Have you read the changelog? (please don't waste our time)
Mark if read : yes

Describe the bug
The list of pets in the region I am in which is usually displayed under th list of quest is not displayed anymore. I had to reinstall previous version of the addon to see it again.

Additional context
I am using the French language version of the game, but I don't think it is relevant.


I found a workaround.
after opening and enter into character you have to deactivate all Add-ons, reload, activate all addon back, reload...
Reload only don't work many time.

I found also that the zone Tracker disappear often when you enter in a sub-zone (like a cave) and reappear only if I deactivate and reactivate all addons..


Confirming that I also experienced this issue on 10/19/2020 with version 9.0.1. Reverting to 9.0.0 fixed the issue.


I see a pet list when I am in Deepholm (away from the temple), and I see it there on multiple alts. But so far that is the only zone I have found that shows the acquired pet list. I took a griffon flight from Theramore to Winterspring, and none of the intervening zones triggered the list. This is the case when the only AddOn I am using is PetTracker (basic)


I have the same issue, but you have to know that I am using ElvUI, which may have impact on this problem.
Nvm, it works again... somehow


I am having the same issue. List not showing up under quests. If I go to my addons and uncheck Pet Tracker config or journal, reload UI, the list will come back until I use a portal and leave the zone. I have to go back in and do the same steps to pull it back up. This happens regardless of any other addons.


I added a reload UI button to my titan panel (for convenience) and the list shows up after a reload. I will just do that in each area until a fix is updated.


I am having this issue also. Pet Tracker is not showing pets to capture in each zone.

Issue existed in all 9.x versions


Thanks @Elyssian using typing "/reload" is actually working for me. I guess there will be a fix to do on Pet Tracker, seems to be an issue from the addon