


Feature Request: hand over development to someone active

Rezy942 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Addon hasnt been updated for a long time now. Bugs that have been present for years are still present.
Such a great addon doesnt deserve to get abandoned.
Addon itself works but the amount of bugs is horrendous.
Will pop back in time to time to see but for now I had to delete the addon.
I hope someone can take over the project entirely.


I totally agree. PetTracker was so useful and saved a huge amount of time looking for pets we didn't already have. It's useless now because of the endless bugs and errors.


Pet Tracker is working very well now. My only (almost nonexistent) complaint is that when I want to only see pet icons for those pets I don't already have, I need to click on another option before clicking on Missing, then it works. Thanks for all your hard work.


It works but is coded very roughly. There are lines spilling over and icons in front of other menus.
It also doesnt play well with a lot of other addons including Kaliels tracker.
All requests are being ignored (even a simple no would be more helpful).
People are wasting their time for someone who doesnt give 2 ****.


You should reopen this as these kind of requests are the only ones being looked after.