


Why the license change

GurliGebis opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Why has the license been changed from GPL-3 to a non-free license (All Rights Reserved) ?


Yeah, I know - I have created a private fork, with more updated data and several bug fixes.
However, due to @Jaliborc not wanting to fix them, and not wanting people to work on his "open source" addons, I cannot provide it to anyone. I'm sorry


Its unfortunately considering the addon is 99% abandoned, with updated sprinkled time to time to address any massive issues that would cause people to stop donating. I'm all for life outside WoW, I welcome it. But damn, at least leave a comment or something for your community.


Well, to all the people interested, I have made my own addon (with no code from this addon at all - completely implemented from scratch - though inspired by this addon), that has most of the features that PetTracker has, and is real open source GPL-3 licensed.
It is called Battle Pet Completionist - You can find it on curseforge.

I wish I didn't have to go this far, but since PetTracker has been "GPL-3, but with all your freedoms removed", I think it is only fair to have another addon, that is actually open and free software.


Well, to all the people interested, I have made my own addon (with no code from this addon at all - completely implemented from scratch - though inspired by this addon), that has most of the features that PetTracker has, and is real open source GPL-3 licensed. It is called Battle Pet Completionist - You can find it on curseforge.

I wish I didn't have to go this far, but since PetTracker has been "GPL-3, but with all your freedoms removed", I think it is only fair to have another addon, that is actually open and free software.

Thank you SO much. Going to download right away and spread the news as much as I can. I hope all PetTracker users switch over and provide support to you via donations etc.


@Rezy942 I'm don't have any kind of donations set up, but do spread the word. ๐Ÿ™‚


@Rezy942 I'm don't have any kind of donations set up, but do spread the word. ๐Ÿ™‚

Any chance for a link to curseforge? Will help directing people easier rather than downloading direct from github with manual updates :)
Edit* found it - curseforge app is being very buggy ( as usual ) so it wasnt finding the link properly. Their search function truly sucks.


@Rezy942 I think linking directly from here is a bit aggressive ๐Ÿ™‚
But yeah, new addons take quiet a while to be searchable in the app.