


Breeds.lua:100.. I don't know if anyone has repoterd this error yet so I'll leave this here.

als30334 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


32x PetTracker_Breeds\Breeds.lua:100: attempt to call method 'GetBreedIcon' (a nil value)
PetTracker_Breeds\Breeds.lua:100: in function <PetTracker_Breeds\Breeds.lua:93>
[C]: in function `PetJournal_UpdatePetLoadOut'
...dOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_PetCollection.lua:164: in function <...dOns\Blizzard_Collections\Blizzard_PetCollection.lua:141>

(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 3
(for step) = 1
i = 1
slot = PetJournalLoadoutPet1 {
0 =
dragButton = {
MenuRegion = {
healthFrame = PetJournalLoadoutPet1HealthFrame {
emptyslot = PetJournalLoadoutPet1EmptySlot {
isDead = {
petID = "BattlePet-0-000008331ED1"
requirement = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Requirement {
levelBG = PetJournalLoadoutPet1LevelBG {
iconBorder = PetJournalLoadoutPet1IconBorder {
displayID = 61128
level = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Level {
icon = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Icon {
speciesID = 1603
abilityLevels =

shadows = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Shadows {
abilities =
ReadOnlyFrame = PetJournalLoadoutPet1ReadOnlyFrame {
petTypeIcon = PetJournalLoadoutPet1PetTypeIcon {
setButton = PetJournalLoadoutPet1SetButton {
spell3 = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Spell3 {
xpBar = PetJournalLoadoutPet1XPBar {
name = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Name {
spell1 = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Spell1 {
qualityBorder = PetJournalLoadoutPet1QualityBorder {
spell2 = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Spell2 {
subName = PetJournalLoadoutPet1SubName {
modelScene = {
favorite = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Favorite {
helpFrame = PetJournalLoadoutPet1HelpFrame {
breed = 9
text = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Name {
0 =
(*temporary) = defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = PetJournalLoadoutPet1Name {
0 =
(*temporary) = "Argi"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
Switcher = PetTrackerSwap {
Tamer =
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @PetTracker\PetTracker.lua:48
ForAllModules = defined @PetTracker\PetTracker.lua:37
MaxLevel = 25
TamerPet =
Species =
JournalSlot =
Menus =
BreedIcons =
Sets =
Journal =
Tutorial =
StableBlip =
State =
TrackToggle = PetTrackerTrackToggle {
Filter = defined @PetTracker\Core\Filters.lua:23
Locals =
TamerOrder =
MapTip =
Map =
NewClass = defined @PetTracker\PetTracker.lua:27
WORLD_MAP_UPDATE = defined @PetTracker\PetTracker.lua:62
SourceIcons =
BattleListener = {
MaxQuality = 4
Upgrades = SushiGlowBox1 {
ProgressBar =
BattleSlot =
ConfigLoader =
Battle =
EnemyActions = PetTrackerEnemyActions {
BreedStats =
TamerLandmarks =
PET_JOURNAL_LIST_UPDATE = defined @PetTracker\PetTracker.lua:75
Tracker =
Tamers =
Stables =
List =
AbilityAction =
Line =
Specie =
BreedNames =
ContinentByZone =
Stats =
AbilityButton =
QualityScale =
Predict =
NewModule = defined @PetTracker\PetTracker.lua:31
Record =
Breeds =
SpecieBlip =
Blip =
(*temporary) = 9
(*temporary) = 0.75
(*temporary) = 3
(*temporary) = -1
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetBreedIcon' (a nil value)"
Journal =
GetSpecie = defined @PetTracker\Core\Journal.lua:178
GetTypeIcon = defined @PetTracker\Core\Journal.lua:153
GetLevel = defined @PetTracker\Core\Journal.lua:174
GetSource = defined @PetTracker\Core\Journal.lua:115
GetAbilities = defined @PetTracker\Core\Journal.lua:129
GetOwned = defined @PetTracker\Core\Journal.lua:97
GetStablesIn = defined @PetTracker\Core\Journal.lua:189
GetQuality = defined @PetTrac