


Various Feature Requests

TiaMarieG opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Ability to disable or resize Rival Portraits - The portraits are great but they are really large and take up a good bit of map space which can be a hassle if there are other world quests or Rivals in the area. It becomes a bunch of humongous icons overlapping each other with smaller icons mixed in. They also cover any icons that other addons can place like Gathermate or Handynotes.

Ability to disable Rivals Tab in Collections UI - I use Rematch to keep track of Rivals and what teams I use/have used so having a separate tab is a bit redundant. Would be awesome to have the ability to disable that. (This is more for personal aesthetic than any actual real reason. Plus the Rivals tab doesn't seem to like Rematch very much and always overlaps it if toggled.)

Ability to move the Zone Tracker - If I have a lot of quests in my log then the Zone Tracker has a tendency to get buried beneath them and I'm no longer able to see it on my screen unless I untrack some quests. Would be great to move it elsewhere so that it is always visible.

TomTom Integration: Ability to right click a species on the map and choose an option for TomTom to set up a Waypoint at all spots where the species can spawn based off map icons. Makes it so that I don't have to click each area individually to set a waypoint (Would make searching for the Crimsonwing Moth and similar pets MUCH easier)


i also second. these. especially the movable tracker. i have had mine go off screen several times with a large quest log so just turned it off.
i only use pet tracker but i welcome the idea of turning on or off rival tab

great ideas


I second these. Great list, @Elaeana !


Thanks! This is a really great addon and I love using it so I'm hoping these features get implemented.