


Useability Issue

JDoubleU00 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Maybe I am doing something wrong (i.e. PEBKC), but after installing this via Minion, I do not see the Lato font in drop down boxes.

Lines 20 and 21 in addon.lua the following code is present:

local NORMAL       = [[Interface\AddOns\PhanxMedia\font\Lato.ttf]]
local BOLD         = [[Interface\AddOns\PhanxMedia\font\Lato-Black.otf]]

I've even created a PhaxMedia folder with the font in it and no luck.

One question on usability. If I pick a font and the scale in PhanxFont, do I need to manually adjust other addons?


Already replied on WoWInterface, but to summarize for anyone who stumbles across this here:

  1. You're not doing anything wrong. Those are just my personal default settings, and shouldn't have any effect on other users; you'll just default to the game default font (Friz Quadrata) and be able to choose from all the fonts registered with LibSharedMedia-3.0 by other addons. If you want to register your own fonts, see my personal media script and read the instructions.

  2. It depends on the addon. If the addon just inherits from a default game font (e.g. "GameFontNormal") then it will automatically follow whatever you do in PhanxFont. If the addon explicitly references a font file and/or size, then you'll have to manually adjust the addon's settings (or its code, if it doesn't have settings); there's no way for PhanxChat to know about fontstrings created/configured by other addons (without a hardcoded list of every addon and every fontstring it does/can create, which is obviously impossible). That said, I use 150+ addons (100+ of which weren't written by me) and if I change my font, I have to change settings in maybe 5 or 6 addons. Your experience may be different if you use a ton of addons that display a lot of text, but it probably won't be a huge effort.