PitBull Unit Frames 4.0

PitBull Unit Frames 4.0


LibHealComm-4.0-92.lua:2082: table index is nil

Jakobud opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I got this today. Never seen it happen before.

...\VisualHeal\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0-92.lua:2082: table index is nil
[string "@PitBull4\Modules\VisualHeal\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0-92.lua"]:2082: in function `?'
[string "@PitBull4\Modules\VisualHeal\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0-92.lua"]:2707: in function <...\VisualHeal\Libs\LibHealComm-4.0\LibHealComm-4.0.lua:2705>


Maybe I should report this to the LibHealComm library but I dunno where the repo or issues are for that (like most Wowace libraries)


Looks like it tries to get the spell id from the name if it can't get it from the aura, which can fail if the spell name isn't cached and it has to be fetched from the server first.

Anyway, I've tagged a release with the new lib so I'm going to close this. If you get this error again you can try creating an issue on https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/libhealcomm-4-0


Also, this was on Burning Crusade Classic.

v 4.3.2-classic


A little late getting to this, but, if you download https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/libhealcomm-4-0/files/3459974 (you can just install in as it's own addon) does that work? Looks like Azilroka's fork is gone, but the original lib seems to be updated


or rather, I just pushed a new alpha file (classic) using that version, let me know if that works


Thanks before I replace it with the alpha I'm trying to figure out how to recreate this issue. I've only seen it happen once. Any clues on what would trigger this?