PlayerMadeQuests (PMQ)

PlayerMadeQuests (PMQ)


Rethink QS keywords

dolphinspired opened this issue ยท 0 comments


How should this be used? Currently it is...

quest name="whatever" description="longer whatever"

But this would get very long with lots of fields. Something like this might be better:

quest name "I just want to dance"
quest description "he really does just want to dance"

But then again, writing quest and objective does seem a little bit redundant. It would honestly work better in sort of a yaml structure, which could work if the editor was a little... nicer to use.

  name: I just want to dance
  description: he really does just want to dance
  faction: Horde required
    min: 30
    max: 40
  - kill 5 "Mangy Wolf"
  - talkto Rexxar
  - explore "Elwynn Forest" x=2 y=4

Look into this!

Then again, why not write it in straight Lua if we're getting to that point?

  quest = {
    name = "I just want to dance",
    description = "he really does just want to dance",
    faction = "Horde",
    level = {
      min = 30,
      max = 40
  objectives = {
      "I'm already tired of writing this"

Too much punctuation, that's why!