Premade Groups Filter

Premade Groups Filter


Again ... Dialog.lua:66 .. Again ... Again >_<

Hollicsh opened this issue ยท 18 comments


2x ...terface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:66: attempt to index local 'model' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua"]:66: in function <...terface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:63>

self = UsePFGButton {
0 =
isSkinned = true
SetHighlightTexture = defined =[C]:-1
SetPushedTexture = defined =[C]:-1
Text = UsePFGButtonText {
text = UsePFGButtonText {
Backdrop = Frame {
SetNormalTexture = defined =[C]:-1
button = "LeftButton"
down = false
checked = true
model = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 2
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'model' (a nil value)"

PopupMenu_Toggle = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/PopupMenu.lua:127
GetModel = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Main.lua:80
Dialog_ResetPosition = defined =[C]:-1
Dialog_SetUpMinMaxField = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Setup.lua:188
GameTooltip_AddWhite = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Help.lua:45
ResetSearchEntries = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Main.lua:33
previousSearchExpression = ""
AddRoleIndicators = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/RoleIndicators.lua:70
GetLockoutInfo = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Lockout.lua:40
Empty = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Util.lua:102
UsePFGButton = UsePFGButton {
MigrateStateV2 = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Init.lua:178
Table_Copy_Shallow = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Util.lua:36
GetExpressionFromAdvancedExpression = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Main.lua:60
Table_Subtract = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Util.lua:57
Dialog_Max_OnTabPressed = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:190
GetPlayerInfo = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/PlayerInfo.lua:74
declinedGroups =
DoesPassThroughFilter = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Expression.lua:46
previousSearchLeaders =
HasRemainingSlotsForLocalPlayerPartyRoles = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Main.lua:164
GetPvPScoreRarityColorByTier = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/RatingInfo.lua:25
String_TrimWhitespace = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Util.lua:89
Dialog_Min_OnTabPressed = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:186
ratingInfoFrames =
Dialog_DifficultyDropdown_OnClick = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:175
PutRaiderIOAliases = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Main.lua:575
Dialog_SortingExpression_OnTextChanged = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:120
Dialog_ResetButton_OnClick = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:165
Dialog_OnMouseUp = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Setup.lua:69
Dialog_OnMouseDown = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Setup.lua:64
Dialog_Reset = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:138
Dialog_ResetMinMaxField = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:130
RemoveCommentLines = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Main.lua:70
PopupMenu_Register = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/PopupMenu.lua:32
Dialog_MinMax_OnTextChanged = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:100
GetDifficulty = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Difficulty.lua:376
Dialog_ResetGenericField = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Dialog/Dialog.lua:96
IsMostLikelySameInstance = defined @Interface/AddOns/PremadeGroupsFilter/Modules/Util.lua:127
Dialog_ToggleCheckboxAccordingToMinMaxFields = <f


I press "search for a group", then I press "pre-assembled groups", then I press "dungeons", everything is as usual.
Sometimes it happens that the checkbox is inactive and you have to activate it manually, hence the error occurs.



Also, if you encounter the error, could you dump the following information while the group finder window is still open?

/dump PVEFrame.activeTabIndex
/dump LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.categoryID
/dump LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.selectedCategory
/dump LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.filters
/dump LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.selectedFilters

As soon as I encounter this error again, I will definitely let you know.


Was it necessary to enter into the chat one command at a time ?

If yes, then here:
[20:07:17] Dump: value=PVEFrame.activeTabIndex
[20:07:17] empty result
[20:07:23] Dump: value=LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.categoryID
[20:07:23] [1]=2
[20:07:28] Dump: value=LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.selectedCategory
[20:07:28] [1]=2
[20:07:34] Dump: value=LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.filters
[20:07:34] [1]=0
[20:07:39] Dump: value=LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.selectedFilters
[20:07:39] [1]=0


Which tab did you open? From the stack traces it looks like it could not find out which tab you actually opened. Is this a permanent error on this tab? Or other tabs as well?


Also, if you encounter the error, could you dump the following information while the group finder window is still open?

/dump PVEFrame.activeTabIndex
/dump LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.categoryID
/dump LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.selectedCategory
/dump LFGListFrame.SearchPanel.filters
/dump LFGListFrame.CategorySelection.selectedFilters

One at a time, as you did. Thank you!

The issue is that PVEFrame.activeTabIndex is nil but it should not be. The configuration is stored by tab (PvE or PvP), category (quests, dungeons, arena, ...) and filters (SL raids, other raids). Whenever you open a search, it loads the corresponding configuration. However, if the tab index is nil, it does not know what tab you're on. I suspected a timing issue, but in this case the dump should have shown a result. So something prevents the tab index from being set correctly and still does not mess up the group search. I will investigate in a few days if I can find the reason or another source of the tab index.


Perhaps the problem is in ElvUI ?
Because I use ElvUI.


Ah yes, looks like the same error as in #53. But we now know what went wrong. Will try to see if I can find the issue.


Could the bug be related to being AFK?

  1. Open group finder
  2. Wait until AFK
  3. Cancel AFK by e.g. moving
  4. Try to use the premade dungeon search

The reason why I suspect this is that ElvUI is calling PVEFrame_ToggleFrame here without any arguments twice after you return from AFK. The comment even states that there is a bug involved. Could you please do a test with being AFK first?


I tried to do everything as you suggested. After returning from afk, the checkbox automatically turned on and the addon turned on itself.


Thank you. So it's not the AFK mode, at least not reproducible. There is more code related to the group finder in ElvUI, maybe the bug is somewhere in there.


Interesting fact: when I press on the letter "I", then click on "Premade groups", the addon works correctly and the checkbox is already checked.
But when I click mouse on "Group Search", then click on "Premade Groups", the addon appears to be disabled and the check mark is not there.

What the fuck ...


Could you post a screenshot where you click to get the error? It is the micro button bar (char, spell book, talents, achievments, quests, guild, group search, collections, guide, shop, menu)? Or another button?
When I mouse click the group search button in the micro button bar (without ElvUI), everything works as expected.


Could you please also post a list of your addons? It might not be ElvUI but another addon.


Could you post a screenshot where you click to get the error? It is the micro button bar (char, spell book, talents, achievments, quests, guild, group search, collections, guide, shop, menu)? Or another button? When I mouse click the group search button in the micro button bar (without ElvUI), everything works as expected.



Could you please also post a list of your addons? It might not be ElvUI but another addon.

DBM, Details, HandyNotes, ElvUI (general ElvUI and ProjectAzilroka and AddonSkins and Shadow and Light), WeakAuras, VenturePlan, SavedInstances, Rarity, RareScanner,, Mythic Dungeon Tools, Postal, OmniCC, BtWQuests.


Having DBM, Details, HandyNotes, WeakAuras, VenturePlan,, Mythic Dungeon Tools, Postal myself, I think they are fine. That leaves ElvUI, ElvUI S&L, Project Azilroka, Rarity, RareScanner, OmniCC, BtWQuests. In #53 Sifuedition claims that Project Azilroka is causing it, but I did not find anything relevant in the code. Can you confirm that? So if you disable Azilroka, is the problem gone? Does it still happen without any addons or just with ElvUI?

On my PTR installation, I deleted the WTF folder to reset all options, deleted all addons, and installed PGF, ElvUI, ElvUI S&S and Project Azilroka. I did not get any errors when clicking the group finder button with the mouse. I tried multiple things but never got an error. That leaves me a bit helpless.


The problem was solved by resetting all data !
Thank u !