Premade Groups Filter

Premade Groups Filter


fullid, partialid, noid not functioning on retail mop remix

cdmichaelb opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Please check FAQ and existing issue first:

Game Version

Retail (but remix... still the same client)

Lua error from Bugsack




Current behaviour

noid is not functioning (still shows instances that I have an id for) (partialid and fullid also seem to not be working)
(edited to remove the portion I found in faq that blizz protected)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open premade dungeon list
  2. Setup filters ...
  3. Click on ...

Expected behaviour

It shouldn't be finding raids I'm saved to (throne of thunder in this case).


I don't have an id yet on MoP Remix, so I can't really test it. Not sure why it won't work, but id matching has always been a bit fuzzy as dungeon names do not always match up between the id and the activity. Could you paste a screenshot of the id window as well?

(I tested activityname:find("mogu") ~= nil and it only shows Mogu'shan Vaults. Using not activityname:find("foo") ~= nil will find any group, because no group contains "foo".)


I've also been experiencing this - when using noid, I'm still shown groups that have bosses already-defeated when I myself have no bosses killed in that raid. And this is when using the blizzard filter to show only one raid.


I confirm that noid is non-functional in MoP Remix. Please consider addressing this!


I implemented the missing logic to detect the difficulty of old 10 and 25 player raids, issue should be fixed.