Premade Groups Filter

Premade Groups Filter


Error opening group finder

hrlmartins opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Game Version


Lua error from Bugsack

4x PGFinder/PGF.lua:1994: attempt to call global 'GetTexCoordsForRole' (a nil value)
[string "@PGFinder/PGF.lua"]:1994: in function <PGFinder/PGF.lua:1778>
[string "@PGFinder/PGF.lua"]:2593: in function <PGFinder/PGF.lua:2589>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:493: in function `SetUIPanel'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:336: in function `ShowUIPanel'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:174: in function <...ParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua:169>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetAttribute'
[string "@Blizzard_UIParentPanelManager/Mainline/UIParentPanelManager.lua"]:888: in function `ShowUIPanel'
[string "@Blizzard_GroupFinder/Mainline/PVEFrame.lua"]:105: in function <...ceBlizzard_GroupFinder/Mainline/PVEFrame.lua:59>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `PVEFrame_ShowFrame'
[string "@Blizzard_GroupFinder/Mainline/PVEFrame.lua"]:56: in function `PVEFrame_ToggleFrame'
[string "TOGGLEGROUPFINDER"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLEGROUPFINDER"]:1>

dungeonDifficultyText = FontString {
dungeonDifficultyDropDown = Button {
 Right = PVEFrameRight {
 Left = PVEFrameLeft {
 selectedID = 4
 Text = PVEFrameText {
 Button = PVEFrameButton {
 Icon = PVEFrameIcon {
 Middle = PVEFrameMiddle {
 noResize = 1
matchingActivities = <table> {
 1 = 1157
 2 = 1158
 3 = 1159
 4 = 1160
 5 = 1161
 6 = 1162
 7 = 1163
 8 = 1164
 9 = 1165
 10 = 1166
 11 = 1167
 12 = 1168
 13 = 1169
 14 = 1170
 15 = 1171
 16 = 1172
 17 = 1173
 18 = 1174
 19 = 1175
 20 = 1176
 21 = 1177
 22 = 1178
 23 = 1179
 24 = 1180
 25 = 1181
 26 = 1182
 27 = 1183
 28 = 1184
 29 = 1185
 30 = 1186
 31 = 1187
 32 = 1188
 33 = 1244
 34 = 1245
 35 = 1246
performanceText = FontString {
blizzSearchInfo = Button {
 texture = PVEFrameTexture {
filterRolesText = FontString {
filterRolesCheckButton = CheckButton {
 Text = PVEFrameText {
 text = PVEFrameText {
minLeaderScoreText = FontString {
minLeaderScoreEditBox = EditBox {
 Right = Texture {
 Left = Texture {
 Middle = Texture {
roleText = FontString {
canBeTank = false
canBeHealer = true
canBeDPS = true
dpsTexture = Texture {
(*temporary) = Texture {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "DAMAGER"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetTexCoordsForRole' (a nil value)"
PVEFrame = PVEFrame {
 shadows = Frame {
 tab1 = PVEFrameTab1 {
 maxTabWidth = 136.000015
 TitleContainer = Frame {
 tab3 = PVEFrameTab3 {
 Tabs = <table> {
 layoutType = "PortraitFrameTemplate"
 PortraitContainer = Frame {
 Bg = PVEFrameBg {
 numTabs = 4
 NineSlice = Frame {
 tab4 = PVEFrameTab4 {
 tab2 = PVEFrameTab2 {
 CloseButton = PVEFrameCloseButton {
 Inset = PVEFrameLeftInset {
 TopTileStreaks = Texture {
dungeonOptionsFrame = Frame {
 Center = Texture {
 RightEdge = Texture {
 backdropInfo = <table> {
 BottomEdge = Texture {
 BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
 BottomRightCorner = Texture {
 TopEdge = Texture {
 TopRightCorner = Texture {
 TopLeftCorner = Texture {
 LeftEdge = Texture {
dungeonFrame = Frame {
dungeonStates = <table> {
 1 = "Normal"
 2 = "Heroic"
 3 = "Mythic"
 4 = "Mythic+ (Keystone)"
lastSelectedDungeonState = ""
dungeonAbbreviations = <table> {
 Freehold = "FH"
 Shadowmoon Burial Grounds = "SBG"
 Court of Stars = "COS"
 Darkheart Thicket = "DHT"
 Atal'Dazar = "AD"
 Algeth'ar Academy = "AA"
 Dawn of the Infinite = "DI"
 The Nokhud Offensive = "NO"
 Uldaman: Legacy of Tyr = "UL"
 Black Rook Hold = "BRH"
 The Everbloom = "EB"
 Waycrest Manor = "WM"
 Temple of the Jade Serpent = "TJS"
 Throne of the Tides = "TOTT"
 Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond's Fall = "FALL"
 Dawn of the Infinite: Murozond's Rise = "RISE"
 Halls of Infusion = "HOI"
 The Underrot = "UNDR"
 Neltharion's Lair = "NL"
 The Azure Vault = "AV"
 Brackenhide Hollow = "BH"
 The Vortex Pinnacle = "VP"
 Ruby Life Pools = "RLP"
 Neltharus = "NELT"
 Halls of Valor = "HOV"
currentDungeonsActivityIDs = <table> {
 (Mythic) = <table> {
 (Heroic) = <table> {
 (Normal) = <table> {
 (Mythic Keystone) = <table> {
dungeonTextures = <table> {
 1 = true
 2 = true
 3 = true
 4 = true
 5 = true
 6 = true
 7 = true
 8 = true
 9 = true
 10 = true
 NO (Mythic Keystone) = 4746636
 AA = 4880621
 RLP (Mythic Keystone) = 4746639
 RLP = 4880618
 UL (Mythic Keystone) = 4746642
 DI = 5221805
 BH = 4880615
 FALL = 5221805
 AV = 4880614
 AV (Mythic Keystone) = 4746634
 HOI (Mythic Keystone) = 4746638
 UL = 4880613
 NELT (Mythic Keystone) = 4746640
 RISE = 5221805
 NELT = 4880619
 BH (Mythic Keystone) = 4746635
 NO = 4880620
 HOI = 4880617
 HOV = 615223
 AA (Mythic Keystone) = 4746641
selectedInfo = <table> {
 raids = <table> {
 score = <table> {
 eligible = <table> {
 dungeons = <table> {
 levels = <table> {
 leaderScore = 0
 showMyClass = false
 bosses = <table> {
 description = ""
dGUI = <table> {
 1160 = <table> {
 1164 = <table> {
 1168 = <table> {
 1172 = <table> {
 1176 = <table> {
 1180 = <table> {
 1184 = <table> {
 1188 = <table> {
 1157 = <table> {



Current behaviour

Opening Premad Groups for Raids seems to throw an error and does not show the filters properly as shown in the screenshot (on the right)

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open Group Finder (I)
  2. Error will popup
  3. Open Premade Groups -> Raids (dragonflight) -> Find a group
  4. Frame is what is shown in the screenshot above (seems like dungeons are ok. But any raid it just throws the error)

Expected behaviour

To be able to search and filter without errors and with the filters frame functional


Hi, this repo and issue tracker is for Premade Groups Filter, however the error belongs to the unrelated addon Premade Group Finder. Closing the issue.