RaiderIO code update
kanegasi opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Date: 2020-09-19 13:18:40
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 2
Message: ...face\AddOns\PremadeGroupsFilter\Plugins\RaiderIO.lua line 52:
attempt to call field 'HasPlayerProfile' (a nil value)
[string "@PremadeGroupsFilter\Plugins\RaiderIO.lua"]:52: ?()
[string "@PremadeGroupsFilter\Main.lua"]:416:
[string "=[C]"]: LFGListUtil_SortSearchResults()
[string "@..\FrameXML\LFGList.lua"]:1791: LFGListSearchPanel_UpdateResultList()
[string "@..\FrameXML\LFGList.lua"]:1675: onEvent()
[string "@..\FrameXML\LFGList.lua"]:218:
I just downloaded RaiderIO-v202009190600 and the function HasPlayerProfile still exists and has not changed. Before I buy a month of WoW to check myself, are you sure that the API changed and what version of Raider.IO are you using?
It seems RaiderIO is doing a bunch of changes and feeding them into the client updates. I have v202009191822 installed from their client which updates every three hours for me. I can confirm that the current Curse version has that function but the one I have does not. In fact, there's only one spot in core.lua that still has it. You may need to wait for the Curse version to come out tomorrow.
Here's the message linked in that announcement:
Changes I have noticed so far that may impact addons or WeakAuras that used the public functions from the RaiderIO Addon Namespace:
function it has been renamed toGetProfile
been updated to require a minimum of 3 arguments
You can use BlizzardsGetNormalizedRealmName()
to get your own.
This is needed if you are looking up IO from players listed in LFG search results if that player is on your realm.
Alliance = 1
Horde = 2
Neutral = 3
- The data structure returned back fromGetProfile
has been changed
{ success = (mythicKeystoneProfile or raidProfile or pvpProfile) and true or false, guid = guid, name = name, realm = realm, faction = faction, region = region, mythicKeystoneProfile = mythicKeystoneProfile, raidProfile = raidProfile, pvpProfile = pvpProfile }
has themplusCurrent
table under it.
Thank you for the information. So clients in the wild do now have two different RaiderIO APIs, either because they did not yet update or because they are using the CurseForge version. Ugh.
This is affecting my game client too. It throws the error when I search in the group finder and then the filters stop working.