Premade Groups Filter

Premade Groups Filter


Myrealm flag not working

samfishersam opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi everyone, been trying to get the myrealm flag to work on version 2.0.1 but it doesn't seem to be working? Did Blizzard change how you can detect realms, or is this a user error and I'm just dumb?

tanks >=1 or heals >=1 and mythic and partyfit and myrealm


It works as expected (although I noticed an error popping up sometimes, which I already fixed).
The problem in you expression is that you did not wrap the or-statement in braces. The operator and has higher precedence than or, just like multiplication is done before addition in maths.

So LUA thinks you want to say
tanks >=1 or (heals >=1 and mythic and partyfit and myrealm)
which means that it is fine to include groups from other realms if they have at least one tank.

But you really want to say this:
(tanks >=1 or heals >=1) and mythic and partyfit and myrealm

Note that myrealm does not work well for fresh groups (green colored) because it may take some time until your client fetches the leader name.


Hi, thank you for that! Would also like to ask if there is a way to filter by groups of realms? Like including only Oceanic only realms, or listing one by one the servers that are included in the search?


Yes, please have a look at the FAQ: This question and also your original question has already been asked many times.