Persistent Application Note
ChrisKader opened this issue ยท 0 comments
First, I want to say that your addon has been a big help in developing my own and I greatly appreciate the effort you have put in!
With the default LFG UI, when applying to a listing that has a different activity ID of the last one applied to (Such as applying for PF after you applied to a MISTS group), the users previous application note is cleared. Kind of silly when all people care about is my tier and covenant.
I recently updated my addon to allow for persistent notes across activity IDs. After the first note a user provides when applying to a group, the same note is used each time after (unless they hold shift while double-clicking "applying" to a group). You can probably just noop C_LFGList.ClearApplicationTextFields
but I needed to change LFGListApplicationDialog_Show
to account for some logic anyway.