Profession Shopping List

Profession Shopping List


Quick Order Button is disabled for GUILD

MKoep opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hi, how to enable the Quick Order Button when the target is GUILD?


Hi @MKoep,
If the button is disabled (greyed out), it means the recipient isn't valid, or the profession the recipe belongs to isn't cached.
Log one of your characters that has the profession, open it while PSL is enabled, and wait a few seconds. Then relog and try to place the quick order, the button should be clickable then. :)

Edit: If you update to the latest version (v012), PSL will be able to confirm in chat if it caches any new recipes.


Hallo, thank you for your fast answer. ;-)

It's a GUILD order. I don't have access to all chars in the guild or all professions in the guild to cache it.

Additionally, I play with multiple accounts in the same battle net account. Some professions are only learned on my second account. This means that I can't cache the professions on my first account. Thus, I can't post personal orders to chars of my second account.

Any ideas? Thank you ;-)


Hi @MKoep,
I just tested it, and you can also cache the recipes from any profession by viewing another's, like via the Guild interface. If you open the roster, then select Professions in the top right, and view any/all professions. If you're on v012 or higher, PSL will confirm in chat it's been able to cache that professions recipes. :)