Having the crafting orders window and tradeskill window open, can result in wrong recipe tracked
Slackluster opened this issue ยท 6 comments
I also have this problem if only the crafting orders window is open.
But it never happens the first time. Only if I track multiple different recipes.
@cremor Is this for if you when you are tracking orders you can place, or when you are tracking orders you can fulfill?
Orders that I can place.
For one specific case I also noticed the following: After I searched for something in my own profession window, which I closed afterwards, the addon would only track the searched own recipe, even when I wanted to track crafting orders to place (from a profession I do not know myself). Only after I opened my profession window and cleared the search, then the tracking of crafting orders to place worked again.
Same issue as #181
Use separate variables for orders and profession recipes, check app.UpdateAssets