Profession Shopping List

Profession Shopping List


Auto show shopping list window when opening profession

SiJiL82 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


It would be really nice if there was an option to auto show the shopping list window when you open a profession window - but only if it has uncompleted crafts tracked in it


Hi @SiJiL82,
I have a ticket open to let the window snap to the side of the profession window (#203); it makes sense to only do that when there are recipes tracked. Would that cover your use case?


All The Things already has a window attached to the side of the profession window, so I currently have PSL positioned under that:
So snapping to the side of the profession window would currently mess that up (so hoping that's going to be an option, not enforced!)

Basically what I'd like is:
Open Engineering, track work orders that require profession items from JC.
Log off Engineering character, log into JC character
Open JC profession window, PSL window auto shows because there's uncompleted tracked Engineering crafts.

Also just wanted to say thanks for the awesome addon - it's made crafting so much easier, I've recommended it to people in my guild and loads have commented how great it is.


It would be an option yes, not a default!
I'll leave this issue open as a separate request then and I'll look at how to implement this. :)