Profession Shopping List

Profession Shopping List


Shopping list windows show up empty

NewVenari opened this issue ยท 14 comments


When I click on the "Track" button for a recipe, the two windows (Recipes and Reagents) show up. They are both empty. The Recipes window has a number on it, and it goes up by 1 every time i click track, and goes down by 1 every time i click untrack, but there are no actual recipes being tracked.


Once again the tracking doesn't display anything into the Recipes or Reagents window (but the number does update depending on how many times I've clicked Track or Untrack).

i have used psl clear, which previously solved the issue, but now is unable to display information in the two pop up windows.


So /psl clear doesn't resolve the issue anymore? Are you getting any Lua errors that can point to the error occurring, or is it a specific recipe that's causing this?
Also, could you send or copy the contents contained in the World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\(AccountName)\SavedVariables\ProfessionShoppingList.lua file? That could also hold some clues for me to find out what's going wrong.


It's all recipes across all my toons. I'll have to figure out how to get LUA errors to start appearing again, i had found a way to disable them because they were annoying and popping up every minute from other addons even in instances they shouldn't be affected.

What app/program do i need to open a .lua file?


You can enable Lua errors with /console scriptErrors 1 (and disable them with /console scriptErrors 0), but I personally recommend installing BugGrabber and BugSack instead. Those will catch the Lua errors without having them pop up in the middle of your screen and interrupting your gameplay.

For the .lua files, you can open them with Notepad, that will allow you to copy their contents. :)


Now that I'm home from the weekend, I've installed the two addons you've mentioned, and after some tinkering, figured out how to see the errors.

Here is what BugSack gave to me just now:

2x idTip/idTip.lua:160: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function match' [string "@idTip/idTip.lua"]:160: in function <idTip/idTip.lua:159> [string "=[C]"]: in function SetHyperlink'
[string "@ProfessionShoppingList/ProfessionShoppingList.lua"]:1386: in function handler' [string "@ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua"]:66: in function FireUserEvent'
[string "@ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua"]:94: in function <...eProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:92>

(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "^(%a+):(%d+)"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"


And here is what Notepad tells me is in the .lua file:

userSettings = {
["reagentRows"] = 15,
["showKnowledgeNotPerks"] = false,
["showRemaining"] = false,
["removeCraft"] = true,
["recipeNoWidth"] = 30,
["reagentQuality"] = 1,
["reagentNoWidth"] = 50,
["showTooltip"] = true,
["recipeWidth"] = 150,
["recipeRows"] = 15,
["closeWhenDone"] = false,
["reagentWidth"] = 150,
["vendorAll"] = true,
["hide"] = false,
recipesTracked = {
recipeLinks = {
reagentsTracked = {
recipeLibrary = {
[298797] = 168640,
[73356] = 52213,
[96257] = 68780,
[170701] = 115526,
[374538] = 193039,
[66448] = 40112,
[298800] = 168637,
[107644] = 76566,
[31053] = 24079,
[101759] = 71838,
[374540] = 193040,
[73357] = 52220,
[56205] = 41367,
[359701] = 187784,
[374542] = 193041,
[374543] = 193042,
[107645] = 76538,
[170704] = 115987,
[73230] = 52089,
[73358] = 52234,
[14891] = 11371,
[170705] = 115988,
[374546] = 192888,
[66450] = 40118,
[374547] = 192889,
[107646] = 76540,
[170706] = 115989,
[374548] = 192890,
[73359] = 52217,
[56206] = 42420,
[374549] = 192891,
[332074] = 191333,
[170707] = 115990,
[374550] = 192892,
[332075] = 191333,
[374551] = 192893,
[107647] = 76533,
[170708] = 115991,
[73232] = 52091,
[73360] = 52203,
[374553] = 192887,
[170709] = 115992,
[305980] = 171075,
[66452] = 40115,
[26896] = 21753,
[107648] = 76527,
[305981] = 171076,
[209603] = 136711,
[73233] = 52092,
[73361] = 52229,
[305982] = 171077,
[170711] = 115994,
[66453] = 40116,
[66581] = 40160,
[107649] = 76526,
[101764] = 71843,
[73234] = 52093,
[73362] = 52249,
[25617] = 20958,
[209606] = 136711,
[66582] = 40145,
[107650] = 76534,
[101765] = 71844,
[56208] = 42421,
[256689] = 153710,
[66583] = 40146,
[107651] = 76537,
[101766] = 71845,
[73364] = 52222,
[73620] = 52492,
[256691] = 153715,
[28912] = 23099,
[66584] = 40150,
[107652] = 76541,
[31055] = 24082,
[101767] = 71846,
[95754] = 68356,
[338238] = 181431,
[73621] = 52493,
[39961] = 32409,
[338239] = 181998,
[256693] = 153714,
[338240] = 181999,
[66585] = 40149,
[107653] = 76529,
[101768] = 71847,
[95755] = 68357,
[338242] = 182010,
[73494] = 52306,
[73622] = 52490,
[272227] = 153689,
[338243] = 182011,
[256695] = 154128,
[272228] = 153688,
[338244] = 181961,
[66586] = 40163,
[107654] = 76539,
[101769] = 71848,
[272230] = 153687,
[73367] = 52214,
[73495] = 52308,
[73623] = 52489,
[338247] = 181964,
[383793] = 188658,
[56530] = 42701,
[338248] = 182056,
[107655] = 76543,
[383795] = 190311,
[101770] = 71849,
[73240] = 52095,
[73368] = 52211,
[73496] = 52307,
[383797] = 190314,
[256699] = 154127,
[107656] = 76530,
[31056] = 24085,
[101771] = 71850,
[73241] = 52096,
[73369] = 52208,
[73497] = 52309,
[73625] = 52485,
[39963] = 32410,
[256701] = 153708,
[107657] = 76528,
[101772] = 71851,
[73242] = 52097,
[73370] = 52240,
[73498] = 52318,
[73626] = 52486,
[25619] = 20959,
[256703] = 153716,
[68253] = 49110,
[107658] = 76536,
[170730] = 115815,
[56084] = 42156,
[73371] = 52204,
[73627] = 52487,
[170731] = 112384,
[107659] = 76531,
[170732] = 112498,
[73244] = 52099,
[73372] = 52215,
[247751] = 151587,
[28914] = 23100,
[107660] = 76547,
[31057] = 24086,
[101775] = 71854,
[73245] = 52100,
[73373] = 52205,
[247754] = 151587,
[107661] = 76542,
[101776] = 71855,
[73246] = 52101,
[73374] = 52224,
[73502] = 52319,
[247755] = 151587,
[66338] = 40167,
[247756] = 151588,
[107662] = 76546,
[101777] = 71856,
[73247] = 52102,
[73375] = 52233,
[73503] = 52320,
[37855] = 30825,
[247757] = 151588,
[38175] = 31154,
[247758] = 151588,
[107663] = 76532,
[101778] = 71857,
[73248] = 52103,
[73376] = 52227,
[73504] = 52321,
[32866] = 25896,
[28915] = 23101,
[28947] = 23115,
[131593] = 90395,
[101779] = 71858,
[73249] = 52104,
[73377] = 52223,
[73505] = 52322,
[247761] = 151564,
[247762] = 151589,
[107665] = 76544,
[101780] = 71859,
[73250] = 52105,
[73378] = 52228,
[73506] = 52323,
[247763] = 151589,
[55384] = 41377,
[294793] = 167943,
[294794] = 167943,
[107666] = 76535,
[101781] = 71860,
[294795] = 167943,
[73379] = 52245,
[247765] = 151590,
[187635] = 127761,
[247766] = 151590,
[107667] = 76545,
[101782] = 71861,
[73380] = 52218,
[247767] = 151590,
[32868] = 25898,
[355187] = 186981,
[28916] = 23103,
[28948] = 23116,
[355189] = 186982,
[101783] = 71862,
[39713] = 32198,
[73381] = 52225,
[289175] = 166521,
[64725] = 45812,
[187639] = 127764,
[2658] = 2842,
[42592] = 33140,
[101784] = 71863,
[73382] = 52231,
[247771] = 151580,
[289179] = 166522,
[289180] = 166523,
[269734] = 159939,
[247772] = 151583,
[289181] = 166524,
[101785] = 71864,
[39714] = 32199,
[73383] = 52250,
[269736] = 159939,
[247773] = 151584,
[140050] = 95469,
[360317] = 187849,
[247774] = 151585,
[42593] = 33144,
[101786] = 71865,
[73384] = 52237,
[55387] = 41378,
[28917] = 23104,
[26902] = 21767,
[53852] = 39912,
[31060] = 24088,
[101787] = 71866,
[39715] = 32200,
[64727] = 45808,
[101788] = 71867,
[73258] = 52106,
[32807] = 25881,
[55388] = 41379,
[53917] = 39975,
[101789] = 71868,
[73259] = 52107,
[64728] = 45809,
[10097] = 3860,
[394621] = 201759,
[101790] = 71869,
[73260] = 52108,
[32808] = 25882,
[55389] = 41285,
[140060] = 76132,
[28918] = 23105,
[28950] = 23118,
[53854] = 39915,
[53918] = 39976,
[101791] = 71870,
[101792] = 71871,
[73262] = 52109,
[32809] = 25883,
[55390] = 41307,
[53919] = 39977,
[101793] = 71872,
[73263] = 52110,
[38503] = 31398,
[101794] = 71873,
[73264] = 52111,
[195848] = 130215,
[73520] = 52348,
[32810] = 25884,
[32874] = 25895,
[195849] = 130216,
[43493] = 33782,
[53856] = 39918,
[53920] = 39978,
[101795] = 71879,
[73265] = 52112,
[195850] = 130217,
[73521] = 52350,
[195851] = 130218,
[25305] = 20826,
[38504] = 31399,
[101796] = 71880,
[73266] = 52113,
[195852] = 130219,
[55392] = 41333,
[195853] = 130220,
[53857] = 39917,
[53921] = 39979,
[101797] = 71881,
[73267] = 52114,
[195854] = 130221,
[195855] = 130222,
[10098] = 6037,
[62941] = 45054,
[101798] = 71882,
[73268] = 52115,
[73396] = 52255,
[55393] = 41335,
[376233] = 194082,
[195857] = 130224,
[26873] = 21756,
[53922] = 39980,
[101799] = 71883,
[73269] = 52116,
[73397] = 52258,
[195859] = 130226,
[36523] = 30419,
[101800] = 71874,
[73270] = 52117,
[73398] = 52259,
[55394] = 41339,
[195861] = 130228,
[39466] = 31866,
[53859] = 39934,
[53923] = 39981,
[101801] = 71875,
[73271] = 52118,
[73399] = 52257,
[195863] = 130230,
[36524] = 30420,
[101802] = 71876,
[73272] = 52119,
[195864] = 130231,
[55395] = 41400,
[395696] = 201926,
[26874] = 20964,
[28953] = 23119,
[53860] = 39935,
[53924] = 39982,
[131897] = 82774,
[58146] = 43249,
[195866] = 130234,
[256253] = 153638,
[131898] = 82775,
[195867] = 130235,
[25339] = 20830,
[256254] = 153637,
[256510] = 153686,
[101804] = 71878,
[73274] = 52121,
[195868] = 130236,
[256255] = 153639,
[256511] = 153685,
[195869] = 130237,
[256256] = 153639,
[256512] = 153684,
[58147] = 43250,
[195870] = 130238,
[256257] = 153639,
[256513] = 153683,
[195871] = 130239,
[256258] = 153640,
[256514] = 153686,
[73276] = 52123,
[195872] = 130240,
[256259] = 153640,
[256515] = 153686,
[195873] = 130241,
[26875] = 21758,
[26907] = 21775,
[256260] = 153640,
[256516] = 153685,
[31097] = 24048,
[58148] = 43251,
[195874] = 130242,
[122661] = 83793,
[46122] = 34362,
[377804] = 194723,
[195875] = 130243,
[66497] = 40119,
[107693] = 76681,
[256518] = 153684,
[73278] = 52125,
[195876] = 130244,
[122662] = 83794,
[55398] = 41396,
[256519] = 153684,
[195877] = 130245,
[66498] = 40120,
[39470] = 31867,
[107694] = 76690,
[256520] = 153683,
[53991] = 40055,
[73279] = 52126,
[195878] = 130246,
[122663] = 83795,
[46123] = 34363,
[256521] = 153683,
[195879] = 130247,
[66499] = 40122,
[107695] = 76684,
[73280] = 52127,
[195880] = 130248,
[122664] = 83796,
[55399] = 41397,
[195881] = 130250,
[26876] = 21755,
[28955] = 23120,
[107696] = 76680,
[31066] = 24098,
[31098] = 24051,
[73281] = 52128,
[195882] = 130251,
[122665] = 83798,
[46124] = 34361,
[195883] = 130254,
[66501] = 40125,
[107697] = 76688,
[122666] = 83799,
[55400] = 41398,
[66502] = 40124,
[299016] = 168701,
[107698] = 76685,
[53993] = 40057,
[299017] = 168702,
[122667] = 83800,
[299018] = 168703,
[107699] = 76686,
[136269] = 93404,
[122668] = 83801,
[55401] = 41380,
[136270] = 93405,
[26909] = 21777,
[107700] = 76683,
[31067] = 24106,
[53994] = 40058,
[122669] = 83802,
[46126] = 34360,
[136272] = 93406,
[25278] = 20817,
[66505] = 40127,
[107701] = 76687,
[136273] = 93408,
[122670] = 83803,
[305171] = 170318,
[55402] = 41381,
[136274] = 93409,
[66506] = 40128,
[107702] = 76691,
[136275] = 93410,
[122671] = 83804,
[46127] = 34358,
[107703] = 76689,
[122672] = 83805,
[55403] = 41382,
[28925] = 23108,
[26910] = 21778,
[107704] = 76682,
[53932] = 39991,
[53996] = 40086,
[39731] = 32215,
[122673] = 83806,
[287272] = 162460,
[38068] = 31079,
[107705] = 76696,
[122674] = 83151,
[382973] = 194709,
[55404] = 41385,
[47280] = 35945,
[392697] = 200938,
[382975] = 194709,
[107706] = 76694,
[53933] = 39992,
[53997] = 40088,
[195902] = 130223,
[122675] = 83141,
[382977] = 190533,
[382978] = 190536,
[195903] = 130224,
[382979] = 194709,
[107707] = 76692,
[382980] = 194709,
[195904] = 130225,
[122676] = 83150,
[55405] = 41389,
[195905] = 130226,
[26911] = 21791,
[107708] = 76695,
[53934] = 39919,
[53998] = 40089,
[39733] = 32217,
[195906] = 130227,
[122677] = 83149,
[195907] = 130228,
[107709] = 76693,
[338977] = 191336,
[170832] = 115524,
[195908] = 130229,
[122678] = 83148,
[195909] = 130230,
[107710] = 76700,
[39734] = 32218,
[311859] = 173129,
[122679] = 83145,
[131686] = 90401,
[195911] = 130233,
[382995] = 194709,
[107711] = 76701,
[311863] = 173127,
[122680] = 83146,
[311864] = 173130,
[131688] = 90397,
[195913] = 130235,
[28927] = 23109,
[26912] = 21784,
[107712] = 76699,
[31070] = 24114,
[54000] = 40090,
[311867] = 173126,
[122681] = 83144,
[311868] = 173121,
[131690] = 90400,
[311869] = 173124,
[107713] = 76697,
[131691] = 90399,
[311871] = 173122,
[122682] = 83142,
[195917] = 130239,
[107714] = 76698,
[54001] = 40091,
[39736] = 32220,
[195918] = 130240,
[122683] = 83147,
[56496] = 42642,
[106947] = 76636,
[195919] = 130241,
[300619] = 168185,
[107715] = 76670,
[131695] = 90398,
[195920] = 130242,
[122684] = 83143,
[311880] = 173138,
[106948] = 76637,
[195921] = 130243,
[26881] = 21760,
[107716] = 76672,
[31071] = 24116,
[56049] = 42142,
[39737] = 32221,
[311883] = 173135,
[122685] = 83152,
[311884] = 173134,
[56497] = 42643,
[106949] = 76638,
[311885] = 173133,
[107717] = 76665,
[311887] = 173131,
[106950] = 76639,
[195925] = 130225,
[107718] = 76659,
[54003] = 40095,
[39738] = 32222,
[195926] = 130226,
[56498] = 42644,
[195927] = 130227,
[107719] = 76658,
[46775] = 35693,
[195928] = 130228,
[195929] = 130229,
[26882] = 21763,
[26914] = 21789,
[53876] = 39951,
[31072] = 24117,
[31104] = 24056,
[39739] = 32223,
[195930] = 130230,
[377915] = 198084,
[56499] = 42645,
[106953] = 76640,
[195931] = 130231,
[107721] = 76669,
[46776] = 35694,
[311903] = 173142,
[311904] = 173141,
[106954] = 76641,
[311905] = 173140,
[311906] = 173147,
[53941] = 39927,
[56052] = 42143,
[39740] = 32224,
[311907] = 173146,
[311908] = 173145,
[56500] = 42646,
[106955] = 76642,
[311909] = 173144,
[107723] = 76661,
[46777] = 35700,
[44794] = 34220,
[195936] = 130237,
[360016] = 187829,
[106956] = 76643,
[195937] = 130238,
[26883] = 21764,
[26915] = 21792,
[107724] = 76671,
[56053] = 42144,
[39741] = 32225,
[195938] = 130239,
[56501] = 42647,
[106957] = 76644,
[195939] = 130240,
[107725] = 76675,
[46778] = 35702,
[195940] = 130241,
[106958] = 76645,
[195941] = 130242,
[107598] = 76513,
[107726] = 76662,
[53943] = 39932,
[39742] = 32226,
[195942] = 130243,
[195943] = 130244,
[107599] = 76511,
[107727] = 76660,
[46779] = 35703,
[182127] = 115524,
[106960] = 76646,
[107600] = 76519,
[107728] = 76668,
[56055] = 42151,
[106961] = 76647,
[25317] = 20827,
[107601] = 76522,
[107729] = 76663,
[106962] = 76648,
[107602] = 76520,
[107730] = 76679,
[53945] = 39997,
[56056] = 42152,
[107731] = 76674,
[325248] = 194709,
[377960] = 194748,
[26927] = 21933,
[101758] = 71837,
[26885] = 21765,
[107604] = 76509,
[107732] = 76678,
[53946] = 39998,
[31107] = 24059,
[101803] = 71877,
[195912] = 130234,
[121844] = 83088,
[383792] = 190394,
[26878] = 20969,
[311948] = 171828,
[26906] = 21774,
[26903] = 21768,
[26880] = 21752,
[391782] = 191529,
[25318] = 20828,
[3569] = 3859,
[107605] = 76507,
[107733] = 76664,
[26928] = 21934,
[96256] = 68779,
[53877] = 39952,
[311951] = 171831,
[39720] = 32205,
[53925] = 39983,
[73227] = 52086,
[311952] = 171832,
[53965] = 40025,
[26908] = 21790,
[32178] = 25438,
[311953] = 171833,
[66574] = 40155,
[26872] = 21748,
[107606] = 93706,
[107734] = 76676,
[25490] = 20907,
[54011] = 40105,
[25280] = 20818,
[25618] = 20966,
[37818] = 30804,
[32259] = 25498,
[53843] = 39907,
[25620] = 20960,
[25615] = 20963,
[58142] = 43245,
[25621] = 20961,
[195862] = 130229,
[25284] = 20820,
[195860] = 130227,
[107607] = 76508,
[107735] = 76667,
[195856] = 130223,
[58954] = 43582,
[66573] = 40157,
[25283] = 20821,
[32869] = 25899,
[31064] = 24095,
[31054] = 24080,
[31058] = 24087,
[31061] = 24089,
[99541] = 75071,
[31063] = 24093,
[338246] = 182033,
[26918] = 21793,
[28933] = 23110,
[107608] = 76524,
[107736] = 76677,
[53948] = 40000,
[54012] = 40098,
[286651] = 162461,
[338245] = 182032,
[31084] = 24027,
[31052] = 24078,
[26926] = 21932,
[66572] = 40143,
[32873] = 25894,
[343693] = 183942,
[25255] = 20816,
[25287] = 20823,
[32872] = 25893,
[343694] = 173384,
[107609] = 76517,
[107737] = 76651,
[32870] = 25901,
[343695] = 173383,
[31068] = 24110,
[32867] = 25897,
[28944] = 23114,
[343696] = 173382,
[31090] = 24032,
[39727] = 32211,
[225902] = 123918,
[343697] = 173381,
[40514] = 32508,
[42591] = 33143,
[58141] = 43244,
[56086] = 36767,
[107610] = 76521,
[107738] = 76654,
[53949] = 40001,
[311882] = 173136,
[311881] = 173137,
[375063] = 193371,
[377987] = 198084,
[31101] = 24053,
[53977] = 40039,
[31088] = 24030,
[225904] = 123919,
[31076] = 24121,
[31092] = 24033,
[42558] = 33133,
[39706] = 32194,
[42589] = 33131,
[107611] = 76510,
[107739] = 76652,
[39711] = 32196,
[39705] = 32193,
[42588] = 33134,
[53984] = 40048,
[73223] = 52082,
[53963] = 40023,
[53987] = 40051,
[332040] = 191330,
[256611] = 152512,
[41429] = 32836,
[31102] = 24054,
[31106] = 24058,
[39467] = 31869,
[26887] = 21754,
[107612] = 76518,
[107740] = 93705,
[31077] = 24122,
[54014] = 40106,
[73365] = 52209,
[46803] = 35707,
[256694] = 153711,
[96226] = 68741,
[32179] = 25439,
[58492] = 43482,
[256613] = 152579,
[272226] = 153690,
[248937] = 151931,
[47054] = 35758,
[25320] = 20831,
[25498] = 20909,
[107613] = 76525,
[247764] = 151589,
[73222] = 52081,
[53986] = 40050,
[248938] = 151932,
[53980] = 40044,
[31095] = 24039,
[66569] = 40152,
[66441] = 40180,
[170712] = 115995,
[73408] = 52268,
[53882] = 39956,
[248939] = 151933,
[39721] = 32206,
[256517] = 153685,
[170713] = 115794,
[107614] = 76515,
[107742] = 76656,
[53951] = 40003,
[256696] = 154126,
[248940] = 151878,
[195865] = 130233,
[53981] = 40045,
[53884] = 39958,
[42590] = 33135,
[31083] = 24128,
[31051] = 24077,
[26925] = 21931,
[46403] = 35315,
[176087] = 118723,
[3304] = 3576,
[53972] = 40032,
[107615] = 76514,
[107743] = 76649,
[73402] = 52262,
[311870] = 173125,
[170717] = 115800,
[374531] = 193036,
[73273] = 52120,
[25622] = 20967,
[62242] = 44943,
[73403] = 52263,
[374627] = 194709,
[26920] = 21780,
[359663] = 187741,
[107763] = 76887,
[41414] = 32772,
[53952] = 40008,
[107616] = 76512,
[107744] = 76653,
[31078] = 24123,
[170718] = 115801,
[73243] = 52098,
[53869] = 39939,
[26897] = 21766,
[170719] = 115803,
[58143] = 43246,
[73404] = 52264,
[170720] = 115804,
[53880] = 39955,
[56083] = 42150,
[53962] = 40022,
[25321] = 20832,
[256692] = 153713,
[107617] = 76502,
[107745] = 76650,
[256622] = 152513,
[73229] = 52088,
[101749] = 71828,
[187636] = 127762,
[170721] = 115805,
[298801] = 168638,
[195914] = 130236,
[195916] = 130238,
[209604] = 136712,
[298799] = 168636,
[195915] = 130237,
[53966] = 40026,
[41415] = 32774,
[73407] = 52267,
[25613] = 20955,
[107746] = 76657,
[73228] = 52087,
[54017] = 39910,
[73277] = 52124,
[73405] = 52265,
[298798] = 168639,
[374437] = 192900,
[73406] = 52266,
[383649] = 190396,
[195910] = 130231,
[374438] = 192903,
[46405] = 35318,
[170727] = 115812,
[46597] = 35501,
[374439] = 192906,
[107619] = 76506,
[53871] = 39940,
[131759] = 90406,
[374440] = 192910,
[56081] = 42154,
[99542] = 75074,
[73231] = 52090,
[374441] = 192913,
[195922] = 130244,
[34955] = 29157,
[28936] = 23111,
[374442] = 192917,
[53954] = 40010,
[59759] = 44063,
[305170] = 170318,
[374443] = 192920,
[107620] = 76505,
[56199] = 42341,
[31079] = 24124,
[31111] = 24066,
[53985] = 40049,
[56193] = 42336,
[73409] = 52269,
[374445] = 192926,
[31082] = 24127,
[31050] = 24076,
[53832] = 39905,
[374446] = 192929,
[98921] = 69852,
[58150] = 43253,
[374448] = 192936,
[374447] = 192933,
[107621] = 76504,
[338249] = 182057,
[53978] = 40040,
[300756] = 169220,
[352443] = 185960,
[53872] = 39947,
[101747] = 71826,
[374449] = 192940,
[311865] = 173128,
[53988] = 40052,
[64726] = 45813,
[374450] = 192943,
[107720] = 76666,
[209605] = 136713,
[307219] = 171320,
[66554] = 40129,
[107622] = 76564,
[53891] = 39965,
[53955] = 40011,
[54019] = 40041,
[73335] = 52206,
[56194] = 42337,
[374537] = 193038,
[374453] = 192946,
[209607] = 136712,
[56085] = 42149,
[338978] = 191336,
[374454] = 192950,
[55407] = 41376,
[53875] = 39950,
[101735] = 71817,
[374455] = 192953,
[107623] = 76562,
[209608] = 136713,
[282343] = 164681,
[374456] = 192956,
[73336] = 52212,
[73464] = 52289,
[99543] = 75075,
[374457] = 192959,
[195935] = 130236,
[28905] = 23095,
[282344] = 164681,
[374458] = 192962,
[374460] = 192968,
[73465] = 52291,
[66428] = 40168,
[66556] = 40133,
[107624] = 76560,
[53892] = 39966,
[31080] = 24125,
[282345] = 164681,
[73337] = 52216,
[56195] = 42338,
[56531] = 42702,
[374461] = 192971,
[374484] = 192897,
[209609] = 136711,
[195934] = 130235,
[374462] = 192974,
[107630] = 76552,
[66562] = 40135,
[66429] = 40166,
[66557] = 40130,
[107625] = 76563,
[107753] = 76884,
[101740] = 71818,
[73466] = 52292,
[73338] = 52207,
[334548] = 180760,
[374463] = 192977,
[374465] = 192980,
[209610] = 136712,
[56079] = 42158,
[56088] = 42155,
[107754] = 76895,
[56196] = 42339,
[73339] = 52230,
[70524] = 12655,
[374467] = 192983,
[107626] = 76561,
[53893] = 39967,
[101741] = 71819,
[374468] = 192986,
[130655] = 89675,
[73467] = 52293,
[209611] = 136713,
[31103] = 24055,
[66576] = 40162,
[195933] = 130234,
[46125] = 34359,
[374470] = 192989,
[73366] = 52239,
[28903] = 23094,
[66431] = 40165,
[46601] = 35503,
[107627] = 76549,
[130656] = 89678,
[101742] = 71820,
[374472] = 192992,
[73340] = 52242,
[73468] = 52294,
[195932] = 130233,
[107756] = 76885,
[101761] = 71840,
[34959] = 29158,
[53830] = 39996,
[55397] = 41395,
[66560] = 40139,
[53894] = 39968,
[66432] = 40164,
[374475] = 192834,
[107628] = 76558,
[31049] = 24075,
[101743] = 71822,
[31113] = 24067,
[73341] = 52244,
[56197] = 42340,
[55396] = 41401,
[374477] = 191474,
[73469] = 52295,
[130657] = 89680,
[53958] = 40014,
[374478] = 192876,
[41420] = 32833,
[31081] = 24126,
[53874] = 39949,
[66561] = 40141,
[256698] = 154129,
[107757] = 76890,
[101744] = 71823,
[374480] = 192883,
[130658] = 89674,
[73470] = 52296,
[25323] = 20833,
[25612] = 20954,
[53957] = 40013,
[34960] = 29159,
[53873] = 39948,
[305168] = 170318,
[53865] = 39945,
[53845] = 39909,
[66434] = 40169,
[374483] = 192894,
[53831] = 39900,
[107758] = 76897,
[101745] = 71824,
[54023] = 40059,
[73343] = 52246,
[73471] = 52297,
[31112] = 24065,
[31048] = 24074,
[374459] = 192965,
[41418] = 32776,
[39716] = 32201,
[374486] = 193003,
[63743] = 45627,
[195924] = 130224,
[66435] = 40171,
[53879] = 39954,
[107631] = 76548,
[107759] = 76879,
[101746] = 71825,
[374488] = 193004,
[73344] = 52235,
[73472] = 52298,
[195923] = 130223,
[53844] = 39908,
[327920] = 191327,
[34961] = 29160,
[25610] = 20950,
[374490] = 193005,
[327921] = 191327,
[31109] = 24061,
[374444] = 192923,
[99539] = 75067,
[107632] = 76556,
[107760] = 76892,
[53960] = 40016,
[170729] = 115814,
[73345] = 52247,
[73473] = 52299,
[289105] = 166519,
[374493] = 193006,
[66579] = 40144,
[28910] = 23098,
[311950] = 171830,
[374494] = 192996,
[54005] = 40102,
[170726] = 115811,
[58144] = 43247,
[374495] = 192998,
[107633] = 76553,
[170725] = 115809,
[101748] = 71827,
[374496] = 192997,
[73346] = 52241,
[73474] = 52300,
[101762] = 71841,
[374497] = 192999,
[53870] = 39933,
[187634] = 127760,
[53883] = 39957,
[374498] = 193000,
[54009] = 40100,
[58149] = 43252,
[58145] = 43248,
[374499] = 193001,
[107634] = 76554,
[107762] = 76896,
[53961] = 40017,
[53861] = 39942,
[73347] = 52226,
[73475] = 52301,
[53976] = 40038,
[374501] = 193002,
[16153] = 12359,
[256690] = 153712,
[170723] = 115807,
[374502] = 193007,
[53974] = 40034,
[73275] = 52122,
[66439] = 40177,
[66567] = 40142,
[107635] = 76551,
[120045] = 82453,
[101750] = 71829,
[53968] = 40028,
[73348] = 52232,
[73476] = 52302,
[47053] = 35759,
[107722] = 76673,
[170716] = 115799,
[311886] = 173132,
[187640] = 127765,
[374506] = 193011,
[170715] = 115798,
[3308] = 3577,
[73401] = 52261,
[66568] = 40147,
[107636] = 76555,
[107764] = 76894,
[101751] = 71830,
[374508] = 193015,
[73349] = 52219,
[56201] = 42395,
[31149] = 24035,
[374509] = 193019,
[73400] = 52260,
[53885] = 39959,
[311866] = 173123,
[374510] = 193887,
[39718] = 32203,
[39471] = 31868,
[2657] = 2840,
[374511] = 193888,
[107637] = 76559,
[107765] = 76893,
[101752] = 71831,
[374512] = 193886,
[73350] = 52243,
[73478] = 52304,
[359672] = 187742,
[25614] = 20956,
[256702] = 153709,
[31108] = 24060,
[269735] = 159939,
[374514] = 193889,
[332039] = 191330,
[39728] = 32212,
[66442] = 40179,
[66570] = 40153,
[107638] = 76557,
[107766] = 76891,
[101753] = 71832,
[374516] = 193885,
[73351] = 52238,
[56202] = 42413,
[359492] = 187700,
[53975] = 40037,
[31085] = 24028,
[31091] = 24036,
[34590] = 28595,
[374518] = 193029,
[39724] = 32209,
[278419] = 165743,
[66443] = 40182,
[66571] = 40154,
[107639] = 76550,
[107767] = 76886,
[101754] = 71833,
[73224] = 52083,
[73352] = 52210,
[99540] = 75068,
[47055] = 35760,
[26900] = 21769,
[101760] = 71839,
[311902] = 173143,
[32801] = 25880,
[374522] = 193032,
[31062] = 24092,
[31065] = 24097,
[338241] = 181960,
[121841] = 83087,
[107640] = 76568,
[107768] = 76888,
[101755] = 71834,
[73225] = 52084,
[73353] = 52248,
[56203] = 42418,
[55386] = 41375,
[374525] = 193033,
[26916] = 21779,
[56087] = 42145,
[36526] = 30422,
[32871] = 25890,
[36525] = 30421,
[195858] = 130225,
[66445] = 40173,
[121842] = 83090,
[107641] = 76569,
[95756] = 68358,
[101756] = 71835,
[73226] = 52085,
[73354] = 52221,
[99544] = 75078,
[47056] = 35761,
[96255] = 68778,
[25493] = 20906,
[101774] = 71853,
[101763] = 71842,
[374530] = 193035,
[289174] = 166520,
[73239] = 52094,
[66446] = 40113,
[121843] = 83089,
[107642] = 76567,
[101773] = 71852,
[101757] = 71836,
[374532] = 193037,
[73355] = 52236,
[170714] = 115796,
[22967] = 17771,
[298794] = 168642,
[311949] = 171829,
[58507] = 43498,
[170710] = 115993,
[256700] = 153707,
[383796] = 190313,
[170724] = 115808,
[66447] = 40111,
[298796] = 168641,
[107643] = 76565,
[3307] = 3575,
[170700] = 115524,
[2659] = 2841,
reagentTiers = {
[193930] = 193929,
[193931] = 193929,
[192847] = 192846,
[192848] = 192846,
[192835] = 192834,
[192836] = 192834,
[192097] = 192095,
[192096] = 192095,


Ah, I think I understand what is happening.
You see how the start of that Lua error is 2x idTip/idTip.lua:160: bad argument #1 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)? It's the idTip addon interfering. When I go to their Curseforge page, other people also seem to be experiencing issues with that addon.

Try disabling idTip, and then try again. It should make PSL work again.
And if you miss the functionalities of idTip, idTip Community Fork seems to be a more updated version. Otherwise, addons like All The Things have this functionality built in themselves. :)


Hello! Does this occur with all recipes, or just that specific one?
If this happens with all recipes, you may need to run a /psl clear once due to something weird going on with the calculations.
If this only happens with that specific recipe, I'll need to check what is going wrong there exactly. I should be able to re-create the issue in that case.



It's every recipe. I typed in "/psl clear", and if something happened, there's no indication of it. I'm on a different character, trying to track a different recipe (in this instance it's the Vibrant Wildercloth Handwraps), and when I click on Track, the only thing happening is that the Untrack button becomes clickable. If i press Track 5 times, then I can click on Untrack 5 times before it greys out. No windows are appearing as they did before.

EDIT: The windows were appearing behind the Profession window so I did not see them this time around. They are indeed tracking recipes and reagents now :)


Hey there.

/psl clear clears the entire list of recipes, reagents, any saved info. So if anything ever breaks like it did for you, that is your "reset button." And it also serves to just clear your list if so desired, of course.

These sorts of errors happen to me too, and I've not been able reliably reproduce it so I can prevent it from occurring. I will be reviewing the code sometime soon, so hopefully I can make it a bit more solid so it won't do stuff like this anymore. :)

I am going to consider this issue resolved, since the problem is solved and not reproduceable. Should it happen again and you manage to catch a Lua error, do let me know.


I have uninstalled idTip, (and a few other addons I realized I wasn't really making use of), and have tried using this one again.

At first the original issue was occuring with one change: The names of the recipes was showing up, but nothing was happening in the Reagents window.

However, using /psl clear has cleared everything, and the reagents are now appearing into the window, making this addon usable again as long as I type /psl clear everytime I open the professions window.

If it helps you at all, here is a new Lua error from Bugsack:

1x ...eProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:419: attempt to compare string with nil
[string "@ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua"]:419: in function <...eProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:356>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function sort' [string "@ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua"]:330: in function SortData'
[string "@ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua"]:746: in function ?' [string "@ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua"]:68: in function FireUserEvent'
[string "@ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua"]:111: in function <...eProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:110>

self =

sorttable =
filtered =
SetHeight = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:38
cols =
GetDefaultHighlightBlank = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:450
EnableSelection = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:484
scrollframe = ScrollTable2ScrollFrame {
Hide = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:300
offset = 0
GetRow = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:620
showing = true
Show = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:290
DefaultEvents =
SetWidth = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:43
Filter = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:424
SetFilter = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:433
GetSelection = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:520
SetSelection = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:500
DoFilter = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:438
isMinimalDataformat = true
ClearSelection = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:492
data =
GetCell = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:628
rows =
multiselection = false
SetData = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:610
SortData = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:310
FireUserEvent = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:65
GetDefaultHighlight = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:465
rowHeight = 15
displayRows = 15
defaulthighlightblank =
defaulthighlight =
RegisterEvents = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:78
head = ScrollTable2Head {
SetDefaultHighlightBlank = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:454
Refresh = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:820
SetDisplayCols = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:203
IsRowVisible = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:645
RowIsVisible = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:645
SetDefaultHighlight = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:469
events =
DoCellUpdate = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:533
SetHighLightColor = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:57
frame = ScrollTable2 {
SetDisplayRows = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:122
CompareSort = defined @ProfessionShoppingList/libs/lib-st/Core.lua:356
rowa = 4
rowb = 1
sortbycol = 1
cella = nil
cellb = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:192998::::::::70:267::13:1:3524:2:40:257:38:4:::::|h[Crimson Combatant's Jeweled Amulet |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier1:17:15::1|a]|h|r"
a1 = nil
b1 = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:192998::::::::70:267::13:1:3524:2:40:257:38:4:::::|h[Crimson Combatant's Jeweled Amulet |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier1:17:15::1|a]|h|r"
column =
bgcolor =
align = "LEFT"
width = 150
name = "Recipes"
sort = 2
color =
defaultsort = 1
direction = 2
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:192998::::::::70:267::13:1:3524:2:40:257:38:4:::::|h[Crimson Combatant's Jeweled Amulet |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Q


Hmm, so something more is going on. I'll have to look a bit more closely at this. Since you now have to use /psl clear every time, you can reproduce the issue every time, yes? What are you doing exactly to make this error appear, just track the Crimson Combatant's Jeweled Amulet?


I don't know if it's the same error every time, but it is the same symptoms: for every alt, every profession, every time I open the profession windows. I'll need to do a /psl clear every time before it begins tracking. Once it tracks one recipe, I can track every recipe for that session, until the next time I open a profession window. I'll have to confirm something tho, because yesterday I was alternating professions instead of opening the same profession window. I can check that later for you tonight :)

EDIT: I logged in, and was immediately able to start tracking recipes without doing a /psl clear. Perhaps the updates to several of the addons i used did something to stop interfering with this one?

Either way, even if /psl clear is something I have to do frequently, I'm still happy to use this addon regularly. Is there a way to get this integrated into the crafting order creation menu? The default "track recipe" tick box in there doesn't always track the recipe in my Objectives portion of my UI, having it pop up into these windows would be great :)


Glad to hear it's working again! I was going to ask you to see if the behaviour still occurred when PSL is the only addon loaded, but maybe whatever conflicting issue was there is now resolved.

With the latest update I've added the tracking buttons to the crafting order screens - that one required some trial-and-error, but it had been on my to do list for a little while - and I also tweaked the overall code for tracking reagents, so hopefully that will also help prevent further issues.

If anything does go wrong again after updating to v10.0.2-18, let me know! :D