Profession Shopping List

Profession Shopping List


Feature Request: Add per character saved lists

LuckyBlob opened this issue ยท 5 comments



It would be nice to have "per character" lists.

Also, it would be nice to have a "saved list" that is immutable of the actual working list. It could also be updated (once set as the working list) with what is in your bags.


I have taken the liberty to modify the code to make this work. It's wrapped with
-- Update nlawson
-- end nlawson

I also took the liberty to add toggleable debug to have a semi callstack.



I updated massively the code to fix all the bugs. I also fixed your "RunNextFrame" solution which could hang with the suggested callback on load solution which seems to work without hangs.



Yeah, I kind of "did it for me", but I tried to be vocal with my variables. Don't hesitate to ask me questions, I can answer exhaustively if you need.


Oh, wonderful! I'd taken a look at it before, but I really need to set aside some time to go through it properly because I didn't understand some bits and I need to test with it so I can understand how it works exactly. Hopefully I can do this soon. Thanks again for the effort! <3


Alright, I found a way, way simpler solution to this problem. Feature will be added with the next release. :)