- 1
Add option to add all recipes using X reagent
#112 opened by Slackluster - 2
Bug Error 11/14/23
#113 opened by Furyclover - 5
Renown KP quests incorrect Renown levels
#120 opened by Slackluster - 0
[UX issue] Disable tracking buttons when in editbox
#114 opened by Slackluster - 12
SharedXML/Scroll/ScrollBoxListView.lua error
#115 opened by DaGrump2394 - 1
Knowledge bar doesn't appear when profession is opened on the spec tab
#116 opened by Slackluster - 1
Only list unprovided reagents for work order tracking
#117 opened by Slackluster - 1
Add options for which knowledge sources to track
#118 opened by Slackluster - 1
Lua error when opening "Place Crafting Order" window
#119 opened by DaGrump2394 - 2
ProfessionFrame Error on Login
#123 opened by Meebsy - 1
Option to hide KP tooltip
#122 opened by Slackluster - 0
Check more profession achievements
#124 opened by Slackluster - 0
Item tooltips in subreagent menu
#126 opened by Slackluster - 1
/psl clear button
#125 opened by Slackluster - 1
Legendary shopping lists
#127 opened by Slackluster - 1
Somehow show recipes that still have discoveries left
#106 opened by Slackluster - 1
LUA error when placing a crafting order
#110 opened by hollo6 - 0
Repeat last work order button
#107 opened by Slackluster - 0
/psl [achievement]
#108 opened by Slackluster - 4
Dragonflight - Hit track twice on a recipee and nothing went into the Reagents window
#109 opened by EyeSage - 2
Add Darkmoon KP
#111 opened by chriser- - 0
Subreagents don't account for ranked items in the check for how many are needed
#128 opened by Slackluster - 1
Ctrl+clicking to go to a recipe doesn't work if any filtering is enabled
#129 opened by Slackluster - 0
#130 opened by Slackluster - 2
Vendor tracking doesn't work with ElvUI + WindTools
#131 opened by Slackluster - 8
Add Option to change Quick Order Details+Mass Crafting Order Crafting (maybe, feels like a big ask)
#132 opened by Elandura - 1
Lua errors after updateting to v10.2.7-001
#133 opened by Odysseas68 - 1
OETooltip integration
#134 opened by Slackluster - 1
PSL new button mouse-over tooltips
#136 opened by Slackluster - 1
#137 opened by Slackluster - 1
Better Auctionator support
#135 opened by Slackluster - 1
Auctionator import uses total quantity, not remaining quantity
#138 opened by Slackluster - 0
[Pawn feature] Show highest gold quest reward
#139 opened by Slackluster - 0
Initiate search when pasting item link into AH window
#140 opened by Slackluster - 0
[OETooltip] Icon on item worth more than X
#141 opened by Slackluster - 1
PSL does not show status of profession treasures
#145 opened by belg8rion - 1
LUA Error on login
#152 opened by fubaWoW - 2
Missing profession knowledge list
#146 opened by dblanch369 - 1
Auctionator import shows 3 qualities when min quality is set to 2
#153 opened by Slackluster - 1
Quick Ordering after relogging only works once, then reverts to "No last order found"
#154 opened by Slackluster - 1
Editbox doesn't become 0 when clearing recipes
#155 opened by Slackluster - 0
Consolidate transmute cooldowns
#156 opened by Slackluster - 0
Add tooltip to the track mog button
#157 opened by Slackluster - 0
Add feedback if track all mog results in 0 recipes (or generally?)
#158 opened by Slackluster - 1
Account for required quality for crafting/patron orders
#164 opened by Slackluster - 1
Error on mouseover of mining skill
#162 opened by cremor - 4
Add ability to track Patron work order recipes and exclude materials included in the order
#163 opened by Vilsara - 1
Cooldown chat reminder: make it more compact
#159 opened by Slackluster - 1
Concentration recharge tracking
#160 opened by NoShotz - 1
Quick order for guild orders
#161 opened by B88000005