


Missing data for BfA.

ObiWahn86 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I added the following data for the BfA archeology items to the Professor.lua file. Other than that the addon still seems to work fine in patch 9.0.1

	-- Drust
	[154990] = { 
		{ 160751, 273852, 1, 150, nil, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_DANCEOFTHEDEAD' },  -- Dance of the Dead
		{ 161089, 273854, 1, 185, nil, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_RESTOREDREVENANT' },  -- Pile of Bones
		{ 160833, 273855, 1, 200, nil, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_FETISHOFTHEQUESTIONINGMIND' },  -- Fetish of the Tormented Mind

		{ 154926, 257715, 0, 40, 51950, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_GUILLOTINEAXE' },  -- Ceremonial Bonesaw
		{ 154927, 257716, 0, 50, 51951, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_BOOK' },  -- Ancient Runebound Tome
		{ 154928, 257717, 0, 45, 51952, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_BONESCYTHE' },  -- Disembowling Sickle
		{ 154929, 257718, 0, 35, 51953, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_DAGGER' },  -- Jagged Blade of the Drust
		{ 154930, 257719, 0, 35, 51954, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_SKULL' },  -- Ritual Fetish
		{ 160742, 273851, 0, 70, 51955, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_WITCH_CHEST' },  -- Soul Coffer
	-- Zandalari
	[154989] = {
		{ 160740, 273815, 1, 150, nil, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_CROAKCROCK' },  -- Croak Crock
		{ 161080, 273817, 1, 185, nil, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_DIREHORNHATCHLING' },  -- Intact Direhorn Hatchling
		{ 160753, 273819, 1, 200, nil, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_SANGUINETOTEM' },  -- Sanguinating Totem

		{ 154931, 257720, 0, 35, 51926, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_BOTTLE' },  -- Akun'Jar Vase
		{ 154932, 257721, 0, 45, 51929, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_URN' },  -- Urn of Passage
		{ 154933, 257722, 0, 50, 51932, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_IDOL' },  -- Rezan Idol
		{ 154934, 257723, 0, 50, 51934, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_LEATHERHELM' },  -- High Apothecary's Hood
		{ 154935, 257724, 0, 65, 51936, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_MASK' },  -- Bwonsamdi Voodoo Mask
		{ 160744, 273812, 0, 35, 51937, 'INTERFACE\\ICONS\\INV_ARCHAEOLOGY_80_ZANDALARI_BLOWDARTGUN' },  -- Blowgun of the Sethra

Thanks for posting this. I've added this to the code and pushed to wowace and here.