


ProspectButton is a addon that greatly simplifies the macro a scribe uses to prospevt semi-large quantities of ores. Instead of being limited by the macro's resources - character limit, what functions can be called - the new macro (instructions are further down) calls ProspectButton, which executes from the Addons.


- The ores must be: in stacks of 5, multiples of 5 or at least greater than or equal to 5. The addon will not and cannot compact disparate same-type stacks.
- Make certain that only the ores you want to prospect are marked in the addon options (/prospectbutton or /pbtn)
- If you are a jewelcrafter that does a super load of prospecting on a constant basis, i.e.: to create and sell lots of gems on the Auction House, you may be more satisfied with using a different addon. ProspectButton is geared for jewelcrafters that perform prospecting in spurts.


Download the addon and place it in your AddOns folder. The AddOns folder is located within the Interface folder of your World of Warcraft folder.

To give you an idea: C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns. If you are using the Curse client, then don't worry about this step.

Next, make certain you have ProspectButton enabled in the Addons list. Launch World of Warcraft. At the character selection screen, look at the bottom left for the AddOns button. Click the button. Scroll, if necessary, down the list until you see "ProspectButton". Click next to it to place a check mark (click again to remove the check mark, disabling ProspectButton, if you want to turn the addon off). Click "Okay".

Now log in to the character you mill with. Once in the game, type /prospectbutton or /pbtn. This command opens the addon optionsmenu, where you are ablo to check or uncheck for each WoW expansion the ores that you want to prospect or not. Note: Only the checked ores will be prospected

If you select on the left side ProspectButton, you are able to click on the create macro button. If you click this button the addon will create the required addon by itself and pick it up to your mouse cursor. Now to can drag the created addon to your desired actionbar slot. If you dont wat to place it in the actionbars just drag it away like junk items in WoW.

Now if you want, you can "Put it on mousewheel and spin ahoy." I myself prefer to click.

I hope this is useful!


If you encounter any kind of ProspectButton related lua error, open a ticket on github please.