


Add ArenaQuickJoin to PvPAssistant

iam3yal opened this issue ยท 8 comments


I wouldn't mind you guys bundling ArenaQuickJoin with PvPAssistant as long as I get credit so any person that has PvPAssistant would also get ArenaQuickJoin and maybe even add APIs where you can hook into it.

Merging the source code of ArenaQuickJoin with PvPAssistant is also possible but is a bit more challenging.

Independently, I think that they should coexist.


I think that we should merge the 2 addons as "pvp assistant". Why is pretty simple the names says it already to have arenaquickjoin implemented in pvpassistant would be a very very nice feature


I also think by adding it into pvpassistant addon it might involve more people to use it. And say that a person only want to use "arenaquickjoin" we can have a link to your addon that is just that


@Thekinghim We can talk and see how we can go about it.


Sure what do you think of this idea @derfloh205


I suppose arenaquickjoin lets you auto accept a queue pop up? Or similar QoL features?
I am all in for that! Would be pretty cool as an quality of life option within pvpassistant


The simplest thing that we can do atm is bundle ArenaQuickJoin with PvpAssistant through .pkgmeta or something then think later how to integrate it further into PvpAssistant .


@derfloh205 No it's a button you can press that lets you auto queue up for whatever you want. It's not an auto accept a queue.


Ok I guess Ill take a look but also sounds dope!