


The global Lua built-in error function randomly gets set to nil

Mayron opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Bug description

This is a very strange bug but it affected some of my other AddOns today. Basically, as soon as you log in with just Questie enabled and spam the following macro:

/run print(error)

Eventually, maybe after 5 seconds it will stop printing the function memory address and will start printing nil. I'm guessing this is going to be a tricky one to fix!



Questie version

I am using the latest version for WoW Classic (on WoW Classic): 4.1.1


Is it perhaps caused by the Questie\Modules\QuestieTracker.lua? There are many of these lines:

result, error = pcall(frm.SetPoint, frm, unpack(Questie.db.char.TrackerLocation))

Looks like it's reassigning the global error variable to something else that might return nil. Plus, result is a global?


Yep, that was the problem:



There are also a lot of references to result as a global which gets set to true at some point. I fixed them and wanted to make a pull request but I have the classic version and there seems to be a lot of differences with my questie classic download compared to the master branch.


This has already been fixed with the latest release of v4.1.2. We had some bad code parts which lead to this issue


Thanks @BreakBB, but I update my addons using the twitch client/curseforge which says the latest version is 4.1.1. Will 4.1.2 be released on curseforge any time soon? Or should I download it someplace else?


Yes we haven't released it on Twitch yet because we're still writing the changelog. Lots of changes included in v4.1.2

You can grab this version directly from Github. Have a look at this install guide to learn how.