


Minimap quest icons don't appear if map quest icons are turned off

EarlSven opened this issue · 15 comments


Bug description

I am using Questie only for Minimap Icons for Available Quests, almost all other features are turned off. Unfortunately the icons are not loaded on the minimap unless I also turn on Map Icons.

Minimap Fade objective distance is 0.53 which on maximum zoom out on the minimap makes the icon fade in around the edge of the minimap, but only if they are also enabled on the map.

Questie version



Yeah you are right, reload breaks it terribly. We will look into it.


Thanks, I've just noticed as well that quests that become available have the same issue. I've just created a new character in the undead starting zone and when I hit level 3 I had to turn the Main Map icons on and off again to get the newly available quests showing up in the minimap :-(


Have the same problem, disabling/enabling map icons does not always seem to fix it unfortunately


Same, I can't get icons to work, even if I enable everything (map icons seemed to stop working for me). Using Leatrix plus and Leatrix maps - could that be the culprit?


I am also using Leatrix Maps, so maybe I'll try disabling all other addons to see if it still does it.


Me too, but it's weird. It worked previously without issues when using both of those.


@EarlSven @pamposzek Could you check if it works if you disable all other addons? Maybe we have a new conflict to another addon.


I have the same symptoms as @pamposzek:

  • Questie version 5.0.1
  • resetting default settings -> reload -> quests are shown
  • turning off Map Icons -> the above error appears -> reload -> same error appears (attempt to index local 'mapDrawCall' (a nil value))

I tried launching with only questie. As other said, if map markers are enabled, everything loads and reload doesn't mess it up. But the instant you reload the interface with only minimap markers enabled, they don't seem to load at all. Reloading interface with my addons on gives me some lua error via Swatter, bunch of lines regarding LUA:

ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\Questie\Modules\Map\QuestieMap.lua line 183:
attempt to index local 'mapDrawCall' (a nil value)


This is fixed on master and will be included in the next release.


Hey, using 5.1.0 and still after reloading with map icons disabled I end up with no minimap icons. Game needs to be loaded with map icons and they have to be disabled manually for it to work.


@pamposzek I just tested this again and it seems to be working fine for me. There is a few seconds delay after login/reload before the icons appear, but they eventually appear.


It seems to depend what the "Enable Map Icons" setting is when I start WoW.

I updated to the latest 4.1.2 Beta and took these screenshots:

When I first logged in after starting the client, no quest icons on minimap although they should be enabled:

Enable Map Icons and there is a quest marker right under my character (it's a bit faint because I'm stood on it):

Disable Map Icons again and the minimap icon is still there:

If I then quit WoW and relaunch it (not changing any Questie options before or after this step) I am then back to the same view as the first screenshot.

It seems the Minimap icons don't get loaded unless the Main Map loads them first.


Seems to be working fine for me on latest master commit. Not sure if this was fixed in 4.1.2 though (the latest release).
