


Show if Quest is part of "Series"

Ultroman opened this issue ยท 2 comments


It would be awesome if one could see whether a quest is part of a quest line, and if so, show which number it is in the quest line.

I often skip quests because they look boring, only to later find out they were part of the main quest line in the area :)

On a related note, it would be awesome if you could see prerequisite quests for a given quest. Not sure if those are already in the search engine you made. Just thought of this on the train :)

Thanks for the absolutely madlad work you've done on the addon. It's just amazing the features you've been dishing out lately.


I thought maybe we could splice this together using the "parentQuest" / "childQuest" IDs... but nah. It's a mess.

In retail you have a "Storyline ID" that ties everything together.

Near as I can tell, no matter how we slice it since quests don't have a "Storyline ID" in the DB, so we're left with a huge task of trying to re-interpret / re-create that data.

The Parent / Child Quests aren't always clean, and I think things get messy when there are non-linear elements in the middle... so like where the chain requires you to kill 3 dragons in parallel before going on to kill the 4th dragon.

I think we should just close this issue, seems like a time sink.

Ony chain is probably a bit complex... but good place to start.

  • Warlord's Command (1 of 11)
  • Eitrigg's Wisdom (2 of 11)
  • For The Horde! (3 of 11)
  • What the Wind Carries (4 of 11)
  • The Champion of the Horde (5 of 11)
  • The Testament of Rexxar (6 of 11)
  • Oculus Illusions (7 of 11)
  • Emberstrife (8 of 11)
  • The Test of Skulls (9 of 11) (NOTE there are actually 4 parts to this.)
  • Ascension... (10 of 11)
  • Blood of the Black Dragon Champion (11 of 11)

Here's the data for the list above. And a sort of train of thought going through this...


[4903] = {"Warlord's Command",{{9077,},nil,{12563,},},{{9077,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Slay Highlord Omokk, War Master Voone, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Recover Important Blackrock Documents. Return to Warlord Goretooth in Kargath when the mission has been accomplished.",},nil,{{{9568,nil},{9196,nil},{9237,nil},},nil,{{12562,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,1583,nil,nil,nil,nil,4941,nil,nil,nil,},

Cool we can tie that together...

[4941] = {"Eitrigg's Wisdom",{{9077,},nil,nil,},{{4949,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Speak with Eitrigg in Orgrimmar. When you have discussed matters with Eitrigg, seek council from Thrall.","You recall having seen Eitrigg in Thrall's chamber.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},nil,nil,

And the chain broke... oof. No Children in DB.

[4974] = {"For The Horde!",{{4949,},nil,nil,},{{4949,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Warchief Rend Blackhand. Take his head and return to Orgrimmar.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{12630,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,

And the chain broke... oof. No Children in DB.

[6566] = {"What the Wind Carries",{{4949,},nil,nil,},{{4949,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Listen to Thrall.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},nil,nil,{4974,},nil,nil,nil,1637,nil,nil,nil,nil,6567,10,2,nil,},

[6567] = {"The Champion of the Horde",{{4949,},nil,nil,},{{10182,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Seek out Rexxar. The Warchief has instructed you as to his whereabouts. Search the paths of Desolace, between the Stonetalon Mountains and Feralas.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},nil,nil,

And the chain broke... oof. No Children in DB.

[6568] = {"The Testament of Rexxar",{{10182,},nil,nil,},{{11872,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Deliver Rexxar's Letter to Myranda the Hag in the Western Plaguelands.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},16785,nil,{6567,},nil,nil,nil,405,nil,nil,nil,nil,6569,nil,nil,nil,},

[6569] = {"Oculus Illusions",{{11872,},nil,nil,},{{11872,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Travel to Blackrock Spire and collect 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. Return to Myranda the Hag when the task is complete.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{16786,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,

And the chain broke... oof. No Children in DB.

[6570] = {"Emberstrife",{{11872,},nil,nil,},{{10321,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh and seek out Emberstrife's Den. Once inside, wear the Amulet of Draconic Subversion and speak with Emberstrife.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},16787,nil,

And the chain broke... oof. No Children in DB.

[6582] = {"The Test of Skulls, Scryer",{{10321,},nil,nil,},{{10321,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"You must find the blue dragonflight drake champion, Scryer, and slay him. Pry his skull from his corpse and return it to Emberstrife.","You know that Scryer can be found in Winterspring.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{16869,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,{6570,},nil,{6583,6584,},nil,15,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,72,nil,nil,},

[6583] = {"The Test of Skulls, Somnus",{{10321,},nil,nil,},{{10321,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Destroy the drake champion of the Green Flight, Somnus. Take his skull and return it to Emberstrife.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{16870,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,{6570,},nil,{6582,6584,},nil,15,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,72,nil,nil,},

[6584] = {"The Test of Skulls, Chronalis",{{10321,},nil,nil,},{{10321,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Guarding the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris Desert is Chronalis, child of Nozdormu. Destroy him and return his skull to Emberstrife.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{16871,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,{6570,},nil,{6582,6583,},nil,15,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,72,nil,nil,},

[6585] = {"The Test of Skulls, Axtroz",{{10321,},nil,nil,},{{10321,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Travel to Grim Batol and track down Axtroz, drake champion of the Red Flight. Destroy him and take his skull. Return the skull to Emberstrife.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{16872,nil},},nil,},nil,{6582,6583,6584,},nil,nil,nil,nil,15,nil,nil,nil,nil,6601,72,nil,nil,},

[6601] = {"Ascension...",{{10321,},nil,nil,},{{10182,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"It would appear as if the charade is over. You know that the Amulet of Draconic Subversion that Myranda the Hag created for you will not function inside Blackrock Spire. Perhaps you should find Rexxar and explain your predicament. Show him the Dull Drakefire Amulet. Hopefully he will know what to do next.",},nil,{nil,nil,nil,nil,},16888,nil,{6585,},nil,nil,nil,15,nil,nil,nil,nil,6602,nil,nil,nil,},

[6602] = {"Blood of the Black Dragon Champion",{{10182,},nil,nil,},{{10182,},nil,},55,60,178,nil,{"Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay General Drakkisath. Gather his blood and return it to Rexxar.",},nil,{nil,nil,{{16663,nil},},nil,},nil,nil,


May be partially handled by #2498 - TBD, but closing as this isn't a high priority.