


Item price text becomes darker after using Questie

weirddan455 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


After a while of using Questie (sometimes just talking to an NPC triggers the bug but it almost always occurs after completing a quest) the text of the price of an item becomes much darker and hard to see. The two places I've noticed this is selling an item to a vendor and buying a flight from a flight master. When you first start the game, the text looks like this:


After playing for a little bit, the text changes to look like this:


This happens every time I use Questie. I removed all my other addons to make sure Questie was at fault (and this doesn't happen when Questie is disabled.) Fairly minor bug but thought I would report it in any case.

EDIT: I'm using version 2.0.12.


So has this been fixed?I have the same problem and idk how to use this site to search if it got fixed.


Yeah, I thought I fixed this issue, the old one is #128 but apparently it's still not. I'll look into this again (it has to do with frame layering)