


Lag spikes on version 5.1.0

m33ts4k0z opened this issue · 25 comments


Hello and thanks for this great addon.

Version 5.1.0 of classic is introducing some periodic lagspikes (every 5-6 seconds) that cause the game to freeze for some milliseconds. The game is working fine with version 5.0.1


Yes disabling all other addons and leaving only questie, still shows this issue on version 5.1.0.
5.0.1 works fine with or without other addons.


@m33ts4k0z Can you try to disable all other addons and see if the issue still exists?


I can confirm that.

"Enable Minimap Icons" sometimes helps, but also does not always work - and when it does not work - lag spikes appears.

For me also since the 5.1.0 release - minimap icons does not work well with MBB (MinimapButtonBag) addon, whick worked fine before (see screen below).

Edit: each time I accept a new quest - lag is back.
Steps to reproduce:

  1. Uncheck "Enable minimap icons" (spikes are gone)
  2. Accept a quest
  3. Try to move (spikes are back)
  4. Check and uncheck again "Enable minimap icons" (spikes are gone)



@Maczuga I can see in your screenshot you're using the MinimapButtonBag addon. That caused problems in the latest version but has been fixed with v5.2.0. Please update and check again.

@m33ts4k0z Same for your update and report if this issue is resolved.


Hmmm... @Maczuga And you've tested it with every other addons disabled as well? And your hardware (especially CPU) isn't some old stuff?

i7-6700K, not that old stuff :) Tried with addons off, tried with addons on and Questie off - same result. Will check the cluster size tommorow and let you know.


You tested this with Questie off and still got the lag spikes? 🤔


Nah, all addons off = addons on + questie off - which works fine.


@BreakBB long spikes are gone, MBB is fixed too, but...

Now there are small, but noticeable 0.2sec spikes for me every 3-4 seconds. Tested in Tarren Mill.
List of active quests (screenshot + Steelsnap):

Reverting again to 5.0.1 for now :)


Hmmm... @Maczuga And you've tested it with every other addons disabled as well? And your hardware (especially CPU) isn't some old stuff?


Oh and you could try to increase the cluster size:



Still seeing performance issues with Questie 5.2.0

Lag spikes and frame judder are noticeable and constant. It has been presumed by some users that Questie is polling the surrounding area and creating frame delays in the process.

Disabling Questie creates an immediate performance improvement. Frames are smooth and no judder.

The frame lag is especially apparent if you use max zoom and are moving on a fast mount. You'll notice mouse lag and frame judder in the millisecond range. Disabling Questie fixes it.

Please prioritize this bug. It has been a consistent problem throughout all previous versions.

Edit: Another way to confirm this is to quickly toggle the World Map open and closed, you'll see how 'heavy' the map window feels to open and close. This only happens when Questie is enabled.


@Gregz3 It isn't easy for us to reproduce this issue. I myself don't experience any lags and neither do I gain performance improvements with Questie disabled.

We're not polling the surrounding area, but updating the minimap icons whenever a relevant event (like player level up) happens we re calculate the available quests. Moreover we hide/unhide minimap icons when you change the zone so you only see the ones for the current zone.
Obviously whenever a quest is accepted we add the objective markers to the map/minimap.

I have to ask you as well: Do you experience these issues with just Questie enabled as well?

If yes, you could try two things:

  1. Increase the icon cluster amount (which reduces the amount of individual icons drawn by proximity to each other)

  2. Set an icon limit in the Advanced tab:


Another question is: Do you experience these issues just when you're moving or if you're standing still as well?


@BreakBB just checked on another character (without changing any settings, but have different quests). No spikes here with Questie 5.2, so this is most likely related to one of the quests I listed previously.

This is my quest list on another character without spikes:

Might be also due to lower amount of quests than here:
#1493 (comment)

Changing any value from here does not change anything: #1493 (comment)


@Maczuga I will soon reach Un'Goro which should be the best location to test this issue. In the meantime I will continue to refactor parts of Questie and see if I can find anything which could possibly cause such performance problems.


@m33ts4k0z @Maczuga @Gregz3 We've investigated this a bit more since some of us were able to "reproduce" it (having like ~10 FPS drops).

It would be great if you could test some WIP changes and report if your issue is becoming better:

  1. Update to Questie v5.2.1 and then
  2. Replace the QuestieMap.lua file with the one from the ZIP:
Edit: Use pre-release from comment below instead.

It goes into Questie/Modules/Map replacing the existing one.


The change by BreakBB has now been committed plus a few additional mitigations too, please use the following pre-release for testing:


Small update, we identified the offending commit as 28fbd4c

Performance with that commit:

Performance before that commit:

Unfortunately the fix is not as easy as reverting that commit, we will look into this further.


Guys I just came back to report that the issue for me was the minimap button frame addon. I disabled it and no more minispikes.


give the latest release a try it has @Logonz 's fix


So, I went through it again. On a new Lvl 1 char:

  • only questie enabled: no FPS drops
  • addons enabled: FPS drops
  • addons enabled but questie disabled: no drops

So I went through all of them and found two which causing the issue when run together with questie.

  • Gatherer Light
  • wow-pro guide

as soon as one of those is active beside questie I have the drop, no matter which one of those both.

So must be something in relation to the minimap because all of them drawing Icons.


Hey, have the same issue - defenitly questie related. When I disable Questie the game runs in 144 FPS continuous. With Questie enabled every 3s the Framerate drops to 70-100 FPS, this is so annoying had to turn it off.

Tried the v5.2.3 same.

Changing Clusteramount and Icon Amount just reduce the amount of FPS drop but not fix the problem. If I set to cluster 300 and max 10 icons I still have about 10-20 FPS drop every 3 sec.


@solariz You tried it with every other addon disabled and just Questie active (not the other way around)?


@solariz Thanks for taking your time and investigate this! Yeah minimap is the most likely the source for FPS problems since the icons on it have to be updated all the time.

With the last two updates we were able to improve our performance on those by A LOT. Meaning on a full Un'Goro map (every quest you can grab in there once you arrived) on my setup the FPS went from ~80 to ~110 in a first step. Then with the second update to ~135.

I currently don't have the time to investigate deeply into those two addons and their code, but you should contact their developers as well. Maybe they're using the minimap API wrong (like we did before).


Closing this issue because our time is limited and the performance has already been improved in the latest releases.

If something severe comes up again feel free to open up a new issue.