


Minimap icon disappears

chkmyid opened this issue · 3 comments


Bug description

I am using the "Minimap Button Bag (MBB) v4.0" add-on to collect mini-map buttons separately.
This addon also collects minimap button in "Questie" as normal.
However, the icons on the minimap have disappeared since version 5.0.1 and each time MBB was opened, the Quest display icons were collected at the end of the buttons.



Questie version



I've added a pretty dirty fix which was the only way to make it work from our side. Also created an issue for the MBB devs so they might change some stuff to make it easier for us.

For now you can insert the files from the ZIP below into Questie/ replacing the existing files of the Modules folder.


I installed and tested the file you uploaded.
It started working normally.

An error message was displayed when the mouse over the icon in the minimap, although it looked normal on screen.


6x Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:759: attempt to call method 'GetRGBForObjective' (a nil value)
Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:759: in function `GetObjectiveTooltip'
Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:922: in function `Questie_Tooltip'
Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:266: in function <Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:266>

self = <table> {
 1 = "Questie"
 2 = <table> {
 unusedFrames = <table> {
 lastTooltipShowHack = 2389.814000
 GetEventObjectiveTooltip = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:745
 Questie_Click = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:1050
 Questie_Tooltip = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:834
 GetObjectiveTooltip = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:756
 GetAvailableOrCompleteTooltip = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:721
 AddTooltipsForQuest = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:813
 QuestieCreateFrame = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:218
 _lastMiniInside = false
 Questie_Tooltip_line = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:712
 numberOfFrames = 756
 IsMinimapInside = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:536
 usedFrames = <table> {
 allFrames = <table> {
 _lastMiniInsideCheck = 2389.814000
icon = QuestieFrame611 {
 0 = <userdata>
 FadeOut = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:444
 frameId = 611
 loaded = true
 FakeUnhide = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:486
 data = <table> {
 FakeHide = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:471
 y = 15.320000
 glowLogicTimer = <table> {
 Hide = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 OnShow = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:499
 AreaID = 490
 texture = <unnamed> {
 glow = QuestieFrame611Glow {
 BaseOnShow = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:328
 BaseOnHide = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:345
 OnHide = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:506
 UpdateTexture = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:350
 Show = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 x = 46.600000
 glowTexture = <unnamed> {
 Unload = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:380
 miniMapIcon = false
 GlowUpdate = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:311
 FadeIn = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:458
 BaseOnUpdate = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:323
tooltips = <table> {
text = "매우 끈적거리는 타르"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 PrintDifficultyColor = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:26
 ProfileFunction = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:211
 Levenshtein = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:351
 CacheItemNames = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:237
 GetQuestObjectives = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:97
 CacheAllItemNames = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:221
 GetDifficultyColorPercent = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:46
 SanitizePattern = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:313
 GetColoredQuestName = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:128
 SortQuestsByLevel = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:333
 AddonPath = "Questie\"
 Count = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:304
 Remap = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:268
 Maxdist = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:264
 CalculateWaypointMidPoint = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:172

@chkmyid Ah yes, some other parts changed as well since v5.1.0. I've updated my comment above and added the full Modules folder.