


Specific quest icon error issue

eshukina opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I am a Korean user. Crash on icon when certain quests are displayed on the world map.

The error displayed is as follows.

15x Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:85: attempt to index local 'Objective' (a nil value)
Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:85: in function `GetRGBForObjective'
Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:770: in function `GetObjectiveTooltip'
Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:918: in function `Questie_Tooltip'
Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:268: in function <Questie\Modules\QuestieFramePool.lua:268>

self = <table> {
 PrintDifficultyColor = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:27
 ProfileFunction = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:255
 Levenshtein = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:395
 CacheItemNames = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:281
 GetQuestObjectives = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:133
 GetRGBForObjective = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:84
 private = <table> {
 FloatRGBToHex = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:439
 GetDifficultyColorPercent = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:47
 SanitizePattern = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:357
 GetColoredQuestName = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:164
 SortQuestsByLevel = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:377
 Count = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:348
 AddonPath = "Questie\"
 GetAddonVersionString = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:331
 Remap = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:312
 Maxdist = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:308
 CalculateWaypointMidPoint = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:216
 GetAddonVersionInfo = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:318
 Euclid = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:302
 IsResponseCorrect = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:107
 CacheAllItemNames = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:265
Objective = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'Objective' (a nil value)"
QuestieLib = <table> {
 PrintDifficultyColor = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:27
 ProfileFunction = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:255
 Levenshtein = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:395
 CacheItemNames = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:281
 GetQuestObjectives = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:133
 GetRGBForObjective = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:84
 private = <table> {
 FloatRGBToHex = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:439
 GetDifficultyColorPercent = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:47
 SanitizePattern = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:357
 GetColoredQuestName = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:164
 SortQuestsByLevel = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:377
 Count = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:348
 AddonPath = "Questie\"
 GetAddonVersionString = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:331
 Remap = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:312
 Maxdist = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:308
 CalculateWaypointMidPoint = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:216
 GetAddonVersionInfo = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:318
 Euclid = <function> defined @Questie\Modules\Libs\QuestieLib.lua:302
 IsResponseCorrect = <function> defined @AddOn

The following quests cause an error:

[19] Ishamuhale


The quest has two quest icons.

The first one is a monster location icon that allows you to earn "Fresh Zhevra Carcass" as shown in the screenshot.
The second is an icon indicating where to use "Fresh Zhevra Carcass".

To guess, it seems that you get an error when many Questie icons are displayed on a map.

The above error only occurs in the first icon tooltip. If you give up the quest and receive it again, it will not occur, but the first icon may not be printed after several tests.

The same problem was previously encountered in other quests, but I could not report a bug because I could not know exactly what the quest was.

Thank you.