


Quest Log Not Updating

Erasurehead87 opened this issue · 33 comments


Bug description

Every time I accept or finish a quest the log doesn't update and either says that I am still on the quest I completed or doesn't update for the next quest in my quest log.

Questie version



@Erasurehead87 What do you mean by "the log"? Do you mean the tracker on the right? Could you share a screenshot?


@BreakBB he definitely refers to this same issue #1762


@BreakBB The Quest Log in the upper right and the tracker in the upper left. They seem to not be updating active quests, meaning that when I kill something it wont count it on the tracker. It also doesn't seem to be updating when I accept a quest in the actual log.


@Erasurehead87 If you want to track quests in the Tracker (the right one) you have to shift + leftclick those quests in the quest log (the left one). That will add a quest to the Tracker and should update there as well. You can also active "Automatically Track All Quests" which will add all quests from your quest log to the Tracker:


Nobody has reported yet that the Tracker isn't working anymore and I did some quests today without any problem.

Maybe I don't understand your problem, so feel free to explain in detail and maybe share your Questie settings.


I can confirm that quests aren't getting updated in the Quest Log when you turn them in, and any follow-up quests aren't showing. For example, I had a character turn in the pre-quest to "In the Name of the Light" in Southshore and my Quest Log still showed the pre-quest and not the new quest until I logged out and back in. This has happened with any quest where there is a follow-up quest.


@Scifibookguy Could you share your settings?


Is there an easy way to share my settings, or do I have to type in everything?


@Scifibookguy Simply take a screenshot e.g. by using Windows Snipping Tool


@Scifibookguy Could you try to disable the "Automatically track all quests" option of the Tracker, then manualy track some quests and check if that is working?


These are the settings that seem relevant. I don't remember changing any settings from default, but it's possible.



Will do.


Sorry for the delay, I didn't have time to get online and complete a quest in a questline for a couple of days. Anyway, here is my Mage who has just finished the Motes of Myzrael quest, and yet the Quest Log still shows it with 0/12 motes, and doesn't show the next quest in the questline.



@Scifibookguy I don't think that is related to Questie. You should disable all addons except Questie and try again. Questie doesn't really interfere with the Quest log and therefore shouldn't cause such problems.


Alright, I'll give that a try.


I disabled all add-ons except Questie, and it still happens:



Some other things that happen:

  1. Quest Log empties. I log in with a character and the Quest Log is empty and says "No Active Quests." I have to log in another character to get quests to show in the Log.

  2. One I noticed tonight with my Mage, is some quests were no longer listed in the Quest Log. These were all from Southshore: Noble Deaths, Dark Council, In the Name of the Light. Questie showed them on my map as available with a !, but all the NPCs showed grey ? when I went to them. When I turned add-ons off and relogged in Southshore, they showed up in my Quest Log. Then I turned add-ons on, and they were still showing in the Log.

I don't use any other Quest add-ons besides Questie.


The empty Quest Log has only happened twice in about a month. I'll try that /reload if it happens again. Yes, I'm on v5.7.2 and I'll have to check without Questie.


@Scifibookguy When you log into a character and the quest log is empty a simple /reload should help. If not you might want to delete your "WTF" and "cache" folder. This will also delete all ingame and addon settings!

Are you on v5.7.2 btw and does this issue also happen without Questie?


I turned off all Add-ons before turning in the Ensorcelled Parchment quest. Everything worked like it should, with the Parchment quest closing out, and the Stormpike's Delivery quest showing in the Quest Log.



@Scifibookguy So even when you close and reopen the quest log the quests says in it?


When the previous quest stays in my Quest Log, like in "The Princess Trapped" quest screenshot, it doesn't matter how often I open and close the Quest Log. I have to log out and back in for the new quest to show correctly.


v5.7.2 and v5.7.1 doesn't update the quest log. I backtracked to v5.7.0 and it works again.


@Scifibookguy and @VacoTM I guess your PC setup isn't totally outdated, is it?
It could be that Questie is taking too much time for processing a quest event which results in an issue on Blizzards side 🤔

I will check the differences between v5.7.1 and v5.7.0. Maybe we missed something


This is where I turned off only Questie, and turned in the Special Forces quest to get the Colonel Kurzen quest. It worked correctly, with Questie turned off:



My PC specs are core i7-3770k @ 3.5GHz, 8GB RAM, GTX 1060 6GB, Windows 10 Pro.


I just compared v5.7.0 and v5.7.1 and don't see anything which explains why v5.7.0 is working for you and v5.7.1 is not


I stood by a questgiver and picked up & abandoned the quest until it worked. v5.7.0 did this at least.


@Scifibookguy To be honest I think deleting the WTF and cache folder is one of the last ideas I have atm. The patch before the one today introduced some errors/problems (like the empty quest log) and users reported deleting the folders helped them.


So delete the actual folders, or delete the contents inside the folders?


@Scifibookguy You can delete the folders when you close WoW. They will be created again on the next startup.


@Scifibookguy Any news on this?


Things seem to be working as intended, thanks :) If anything happens again, I'll post again.


@Scifibookguy Great, thanks for coming to this. Feel free to create another issue or open this up again if anythings comes up.