


Questie should have a Update Reminder Feature

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 2 comments



When you sign on, Questie should show a message letting you know if your version of Questie is out of date so that people have a bit of a reminder to update Questie more often.

A lot of other addons do this, GTFO ( is probably the most simple example I can think of for examples of the code. But Elv, Classic Threat, Details, etc. all do it.


I've leveled at least 2 toons to 60 on both Horde and Alliance now, and I group as often as I can. At least once a week I find someone running a version of Questie that hasn't been updated since before shared quest objectives was added to the tooltip. Ha.


@Gogo1951 This is already included in Questie which sends a simple chat message once you encounter someone with a version higher than your own:

Questie: You have an outdated version of Questie! Please consider updating!


Questie: A Major patch for Questie exists! Please update as soon as possible!

I will try to make it more visible.