


Lua Error: Questie taints "IsQuestWatched"

Aviana opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Bug description

A lua error that blames a random addon pops up thats says something like:
"An action was blocked in combat because of taint from - CompactRaidGroup5Member4:Show()"

Questie version


The taintlog reports "Interface\FrameXML\QuestLogFrame.lua:226 QuestLog_Update()" as the source of the taint. And line 973 of \Modules\Tracker\QuestieTracker.lua confirms that "IsQuestWatched" gets overwritten and thus tainting the default interface,


Not able to reproduce this issue due to lack of information. Feel free to create another issue if this comes up again.


@Aviana Thanks for the report. Yes, you're right about it and also the first to experience/report this. And it has been in Questie nearly since the beginning ๐Ÿ˜„

We will look into the code and try to find a solution for it.


@Aviana There is no easy solution for this to change and actually we're not sure it really is Questie causing this error. We had some similar issue where the error message blamed some addon which wasn't the cause of it.

Moreover we need to pre-hook the IsQuestWatched function to be able to track more than 5 quests in our tracker. There might be another way we can't think of.