


Nuke command breaks Questie until manual config wipe

RobertBeekman opened this issue ยท 9 comments


Hello, running /questie NUKE on Questie v2.64 I got the following error:
Interface\Addons\!Questie\Modules\QuestieTracker.lua:538: attempt to index field 'position' (a nil value)

Restarting doesn't help, only thing that helped was removing the config file manually.

It's reproducable by just running the command on a fresh config


Release a hot fix for this and updated release v2.64 zip file.


Issue resolved?



Now Questie still works after running NUKE, but the QuestTracker has dissapeared.
Running cleartracker didn't restore it, nor did relogging


The QuestTracker only appears when you're tracking quests...


Well not anymore ;)


Hmmm... try this and in this order.

  1. Mark ALL quests as tracked - make sure you have some visual indication. EQL3 provides a check mark where as the default UI doesn't unless you have at least one quest tracked. There is a red dot when you have at least one item tracking. Green otherwise. Might be the other way around. I don't recall... :(
  2. Reload UI
  3. type /questie clearconfig
  4. Reload UI

Still not working? Look in the layout-cache.txt file in your characters WTF folder. Look for anything that indicates Tracker or QuestTracker. Might have been another addon that added custom screen cords in there.


Well I did manage to repro your issue. The EQL3 tracker was in it's place after doing a NUKE. I forgot that NUKE wipes EVERYTHING out and it should have detected that you have a blank config and re-inserted the defaults but it doesn't. I fixed that and it'll be in the next release.

In the mean time, I resolved it by doing a NUKE followed by a clearconfig and my quest tracker came back. The clearconfig re-inserts the default table flags where NUKE wasn't.


Fixed a bunch of bugs/issues in Questie when using EQL3. Please try 2.65.


It's fixed now, cheers