QuestGuru support
Pegoth opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I'm using quest guru and was wondering if I could open QuestGuru window instead of blizzard frame.
So I looked into the code and found that Modules/Tracker/QuestieTrackerUtils.lua:17 (classic) has checks for addons and I added QuestGuru to check if it would work and so far it does, so decided to create an issue.
-- Priority order first check if addon exist otherwise default to original
local questFrame = QuestGuru or QuestLogExFrame or ClassicQuestLog or QuestLogFrame;
Problem with QuestGuru is that it makes a new Quest log frame and is therefore incompatible with all addons that make changes to the quest log. By doing this, quest linking introduced in Questie 6.0 doesn't work.
I would recommend you changing to:
Leatrix Plus with "Enhance quest log"
Wide Quest Log with Wide Quest Log Levels
If you still want it added you can always do a 'Pull request' with the changes you've made.