


Auto Turn In Bugs on Argent Dawn Valor Token quests

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Bug description

Auto Turn In gets hung up when turning in multiple AD rep items. It'll fail on the first quest, and just keep repeating it. If you hold shift you can sort of un-stick it.

Happy to say this is a conflict with another addon, what can I do to help verify that? I don't think I have Auto Turn In enabled elsewhere, but hard to know for sure.

Hey @AeroScripts or @drejjmit, next time I have a bunch of Scourgestones do I just run profiler while I try and turn them in? What can I do to help pinpoint the issue?


Questie version



Can be tested on Runecloth quest as well. Hangs when you don't have enough items left. (If you turn in 20x Runecloth then only have 19 left it will not work until reload)


Will be taken care of with #2508


From what I remember when I implemented and tested this is, that the Argent Dawn quests themself are bugged. @Gogo1951 can you test if you can hand them in without an addon? I think the page where you select "complete" stays open, which blocks Questie to continue.

Also @drejjmit your issue is something else. Currently the quests are blocked when you don't fulfill the requirements. This blocking is not removed on an appropriate point. As we don't want to skip through all the quests which can't be turned in whenever you talk to an NPC Questie stores an index of the last quest that could be turned in.

But there are quests which will close the gossip NPC window when completing, so we can't just reset the index when the window close aka you stopped talking to an NPC. Maybe resetting it when clearing the target is a solution.


Example when it stops working:

[15:44:02] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_SHOW nil
[15:44:02] Questie: [DEVELOP] Greeted by a new NPC
[15:44:02] Questie: [INFO] [QuestieAuto] Is NPC-ID 9528 allowed: true
[15:44:02] Questie: [DEVELOP] Checking available quests from gossip
[15:44:02] Questie: [DEVELOP] Checking available quest: "Salve via Hunting" isTrivial false isRepeatable true index 1
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] QUEST_PROGRESS nil
[15:44:03] Questie: [INFO] [QuestieAuto] Is NPC-ID 9528 allowed: true
[15:44:03] Questie: [INFO] [QuestieAuto] Is questId 4103 allowed: true
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] Quest not completeable. Index 1
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] QUEST_FINISHED
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_SHOW nil
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] Last event was Progress
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] Checking available quests from gossip
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] Checking available quest: "Salve via Gathering" isTrivial false isRepeatable true index 8
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] QUEST_PROGRESS nil
[15:44:03] Questie: [INFO] [QuestieAuto] Is NPC-ID 9528 allowed: true
[15:44:03] Questie: [INFO] [QuestieAuto] Is questId 4105 allowed: true
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] Quest not completeable. Index 8
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] QUEST_FINISHED
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_SHOW nil
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] Last event was Progress
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] DONE. Checked all available quests
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] Checking active quests from gossip
[15:44:03] Questie: [DEVELOP] DONE. Checked all complete quests
[15:44:06] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:06] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:06] Questie: [DEVELOP] We are done talking to an NPC! Resetting shouldRunAuto
Stops working here
[15:44:07] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_SHOW nil
[15:44:07] Questie: [DEVELOP] Checking active quests from gossip
[15:44:07] Questie: [DEVELOP] DONE. Checked all complete quests
[15:44:08] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:08] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:08] Questie: [DEVELOP] We are done talking to an NPC! Resetting shouldRunAuto
[15:44:09] Questie: [DEVELOP] [QuestieTooltips:GetTooltip] m_9528
[15:44:10] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_SHOW nil
[15:44:10] Questie: [DEVELOP] Checking active quests from gossip
[15:44:10] Questie: [DEVELOP] DONE. Checked all complete quests
[15:44:15] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:15] Questie: [DEVELOP] [EVENT] GOSSIP_CLOSED
[15:44:15] Questie: [DEVELOP] We are done talking to an NPC! Resetting shouldRunAuto

Reload is needed for it to start checking quests again.


Example of how it behaves:
Need some sort of check. If it fails, try next quest instead of reset and restart at quest 1.


This is also something different than the Argent Dawn scenario I have in mind. But QuestieAuto clearly needs more polishing.