


Minimap Icons in Darnassus always show at the player instead of location

x003 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Inside of Darnassus If you look at the main map you'll see the ! and ? icons where they should be but if you look at the minimap it will always be in the center on the player icon instead.


Sounds like you got some issues with your SavedVariables file... I've only seen this behavior in the WoW TBC client I was working on a couple of weeks back but it had to do with a nasty little mod that anchored MiniMap mod icons to itself which I fixed.

Are you on an English server? If not then there's your issue. Currently Questie only supports English.


Apologies... this has been resolved in v3.1. Turned out to be bad Astrolabe data. Please test again.


My bad. Note to self: Use regular expression next time instead of eyes.


Hey we all make spelling mistakes. Trust me... I suck at spelling and constantly catch myself but they still slip through.

Questie v3.1 has been patched and the zip file has been updated.