


Options UX Overhaul

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Due to the influx of new features in 7.0, the Options UX is in need of an overhaul.


  • Organize options in a way that makes them easier for Questers to understand.
  • Bring highly used Options closer to context.

No meaningful UX changes will get done by the current team.

Closing this as stale.


01 - Questie Options - General

01 - Questie Options _ General (Alternate 768p)

02 - Questie Options - Minimap & Maps

02 - Questie Options _ Minimap   Maps (Alternate 660o)

03 - Questie Options - Tracker

03 - Questie Options _ Tracker (Alternate 19x)

04 - Questie Options - Guide Arrow

04 - Questie Options _ Guide Arrow (Alternate 986q)

05 - Questie Options - Tooltips & Nameplates

05 - Questie Options _ Nameplates (Alternate 897g)

06 - Questie Options - Profile

06 - Questie Options _ Profile

07 - Questie Options - About Questie

07 - Questie Options _ About Questie

Additional Placement of Options

Likely covered in other tickets, but adding context here.

08 - Questie Options - Map Menu

08 - Questie Options _ Map Menu

09 - Questie Options - Minimap Menu

09 - Questie Options _ Minimap Menu

PS: Have to see where Blizzard lands with the Townsfolk Tracker in BC.

10 Questie Options - Tracker

Covered under #2501

Questie - Trakcer


Select text from previous wires for easier copy paste. Default settings won't always be updated in visuals above, where there is a conflict text visuals are more accurate.

01 - Questie Options - General

Available Quest Icons

[X] Show PVP Quests
[X] Show Dungeon Quests
[X] Show Raid Quests
[X] Show Event Quests
[X] Show Repeatable Quests
[ ] Show Trivial Quests

Quest Automation

[ ] Enable Instant Quest Text
[ ] Enable Automatic NPC Dialog
[ ] Enable Automatic Quest Accept
[ ] Enable Automatic Quest Accept for Low-level Quests
[ ] Enable Automatic Quest Turn-in
Temporary Disable Automation By Holding

Wide Quest Log

[X] Enable Wide Quest Log

Social Mode

Social Mode is designed to facilitate team-questing by sharing objectives between all party members who choose to enable it. NOTE: You can generally move through quests faster, and thus get more XP / Hour, when in a group!

[X] Enable Social Mode


[X] Enable Objective Completion Announcements in Party
[X] Enable Sound Effects when Completing Your Objectives
[X] Enable Sound Effects when Completing Your Quests
[X] Enable Sound Effects when Completing Social Objectives
[X] Enable Sound Effects when Completing Social Quests


[X] Enable Questie While In a Raid
[ ] Enable Questie While In an Arena
[ ] Enable Questie While In a Battlegrounds

Update Reminder

[X] Enable Extremely Out-of-date Reminder Notice

02 - Questie Options - Minimap & Maps


[X] Enable Questie Minimap Button
NOTE: If you choose to hide the Minimap Button you can always get back to Questie Options by typing "/questie" or from the Tracker.

[X] Enable Objective Icons

Maps General

[X] Enable Questie Map Menu
Temporarily Show More Information By Holding

Zone Map View

[X] Enable Available Quest Icons
[X] Enable Completed Quest Icons
[X] Enable Available Flight Path Icons
[X] Enable Simplified Area Objective Markers
[ ] Enable Objective Icons
[X] Enable Suggested Routes

Continent Map View

[X] Enable Zone Summary Icons
[X] Enable Available Quest Icons
[X] Enable Completed Quest Icons
[ ] Enable Available Flight Path Icons
[ ] Enable Objective Icons
[ ] Enable Simplified Area Objective Markers
[X] Enable Suggested Routes

World Map View

[X] Enable Zone Summary Icons
[X] Enable Available Quest Icons
[X] Enable Completed Quest Icons
[X] Enable Available Flight Path Icons
[ ] Enable Objective Icons
[ ] Enable Simplified Area Objective Markers
[X] Enable Suggested Routes

03 - Questie Options - Tracker


Tracker Style

Open Quest Log by Clicking on Quest in Tracker Using

Link Quest in Chat by Clicking on Quest in Tracker Using

[ ] Lock Tracker Size & Position
[X] Enable Tracker
[X] Enable Tracker in Combat
[X] Enable Tracker in Raid
[ ] Enable Tracker in Arena
[ ] Enable Tracker in Battleground

Tracker Advanced Options

[X] Show Header
[ ] Show Background
[ ] Show Border

Legacy Tracker Objective Sorting


Quest Title
[ ] Bold
Font Size
Padding Above
Padding Below

04 - Questie Options - Guide Arrow

Guide Arrow

[X] Enable Guide Arrow

[ ] Lock Guide Arrow Position
[X] Enable Guide Arrow While in Combat
[X] Enable Guide Arrow While in a Party
[ ] Enable Guide Arrow While in a Raid
[ ] Enable Guide Arrow While in a Arena
[ ] Enable Guide Arrow While in a Battleground

Guide Arrow Advanced Options

[X] Enable Distance to Objective

[X] Enable Time to Objective

[X] Enable Quest Name

[X] Enable Objective Tracking

05 - Questie Options - Tooltips & Nameplates

NPC Tooltips

[X] Enable Available Quests from NPC Tooltips
[X] Enable Related Quests from NPC Tooltips

Item Tooltips

[X] Enable Related Quests from Item Tooltips
[X] Enable "Safe to Delete" from Item Tooltips

Player Tooltips

[X] Enable Objectives of Party Members
[X] Enable Objectives of Nearby Questers
[X] Enable Questing Progress of Other Players


[X] Enable Objective Icons on Nameplates