


Very odd tooltip issue

ShaunDreclin opened this issue ยท 7 comments


So if I mouse over a monster, it shows me the quest info on the tooltip. But if I move my mouse away and then put it over that monster again, the quest info is gone and won't come back until I move my mouse away, wait for the tooltip window to completely fade away, then put my cursor over it again.

I'm guessing here, but it seems like adding quest info to the tooltip is only happening the /first/ time it pops up, and it's not re-adding the info when the tooltip is modified without being recreated.

Tested this with all other mods disabled and it's still happening, so it's not a conflict issue.


I have the same problem. U found any solutions yet?
"edit". Works for me on 3.1 . But not on 3.2


Quit vanilla for legion launch haha I may look into this again when/if I get bored of legion


Lots of people are reporting this issue. If nobody else discovers a solution before I start, this will be the first thing to get fixed.


Going to test a7437b4 because I believe this may be related to the tooltip updates @laytya did


I know why its happend. a7437b4 not related to it. I ll check if i can fix it quick.


Talked to Myanrey about it and they found they can reproduce it by mousing over npcs or items that trigger quest info in the tooltip very quickly - but for me it's happening regardless of speed and which things I mouse over, any tooltip is doing it.


More info: I downloaded questie from and clicked the recommended link,

That version of the addon is having the issues I posted about. When I went and downloaded it from this url instead, < that one worked much better and is behaving more similarly to how Myanrey was reporting it.

In the newer version it's behaving much better but it's still happening when I mouse over a non pvp flagged player and then to a quest mob