


Constant errant party quest completion reports in BCC.

shooky56 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Bug description


Questie version


My entire party had (from Curseforge).

One had at least partially completed "Threat of the Winterfall" (a kill quest from Winterspring). While killing skellies in Western Plaguelands, she'd loot and we'd get a "8/8 Den Watchers complete" report.

The other (me) had loot items in my bags from repeatable quests in The Blasted Lands (jowls, pincers, etc.) and every time I'd loot skellies, Questie would report that I'd completed my loot "3/3 pincers" or something which I had in my bags already but did not loot just then.

In my case, the quest doing the errant reporting was the very first quest that showed up in my quest log.

Thank you for your efforts and hope this helps.


This seems to happen with multiple quests. My group was running some SIlithus quests. Any time someone would Track/Untrack or mouse over a quest objective in our bags it would report the quest progress to the part chat. Effectivly rendering party chat unusable.
Qeust we encountered it on was Abyssal Contacts, Quest ID 8361. Easy to replicate since the item to complete this is sold on the AH and is not BoP.


Turn off "Quest Announce" in Questie Options > General for now.
Will be fixed for next release.